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major problem with product pricing urgent help


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having a major problem with product pricing.   the majority of prices are the same for every product. the price  is ok  but the final price on the site are mostly the same for all the products, they all show a discount even if there is none

example :  in one category all the prices are the same for every product and all show the same  discount

need help asap

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was able to find the problem. when adding a specific price it did not put the product id, product id was zero. removed specific price from db with phpmyadmin and fixed problem with the exception of one category

in one category products without specific price show a specific price

any idea ?


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I'm not sure to understand your problem, but the product price is stored within two tables and it seems that PS sometimes use one, sometimes the other. The price is in table <prefix>_product and also in table _product_shop. You should check that the price is the same in both table, as well as column id_tax_rules_group.

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this is the problem I have. I created a category to be able to use in the module featured products on home page. these products are assigned to  2 categories, the main category I have no problem. on the second category, the one I created for the module. on this category the price is not displayed right, it picks up the specific price that was created with product id equal zero. the problem occurs only in product-list-tpl.

All the categories are under the one category called catalog

the featured product category is under the root not the catalog category

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figured out problem, cleared browser history and cache and fixed problem

is the a way to force cache reload in prestashop and not to pick up version in cache. if I make changes in home page customers will never see them unless the clear history and cache


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