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Nochex module is taking payments in wrong currency

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Hi there

I've got my shop setup so that people can look at things in dollars, pounds and euros. Paypal is able to accept these currencies but my nochex account can only accept pounds. I've changed the setup so it says that only pounds should be accepted by the payment module, but if someone is viewing things in my shop in euros or dollars and goes to checkout it just takes that amount in pounds.

So if the order came to $50 it should really only be charging the customer about £32 but instead actually takes £50.

I really hope someone can help me with this as its a big problem! Thanks so much in advance


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You could do a change of harts, making the cart show pounds only, and the add a extra line showing the amount in the chosen currency.

You problem, i think is that you just hardcoded the currency into the module's post to nochex, but is clearly doenst work because you are still useing the amount from the given currency, actualy im not sure, but you should be able to change the currency and amount at the payment hook.

perhaps if you look at the blockcurrency module you can get som inspiration.

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Hi thanks for your reply

I don't know how to make or code modules, (although I can change stuff if people tell me what to change and what file to do it in!) I used a third party module that was posted on here.

Do you know how I would make the changes you suggested?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Louisa,

I have altered the "nochex.php" file so it can now deal with other currencies, it retrieves the conversion rate and divides it by the total to get the result in GBP.

So just replace the old file located somewhere like prestashop/modules/nochex/nochex.php with the new one attached here.

Kind Regards,
Matthew Iveson
Nochex Technical Support


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Hi Matthew,

1. Which of the *two* Nochex mods is this update for?

There's an edited version in existence now that was released by Bartman on 11th July here:


2. And did you manage to fix the problem of the blank delivery address in the Nochex confirmation email (even though the delivery address info is being supplied to Nochex)?

Ticket has been open about a month now and no reply with a fix ;-)

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Hi there,

I have altered the file that bartman used now so if you are using that release you will need to download the attachment.

With Nochex you can accept international payments if you have a Merchant Account.

The delivery address is blank because the Payments Page asks for the "Billing Address" only, with a Merchant account you can request a delivery address by logging in to your account and at the Control Panel selecting "Payments Page Setup" you can then tick the box that says "Request Delivery Address".

I hope this information has been helpful.

Kind Regards,
Matthew Iveson
Nochex Technical Support


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Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the clarification on the UK sales differences and for editing Bartman's version of the module.

The delivery address variables are listed in the 'Nochex Payment Pages Integration Guide' as being available to send (with the rest of the variables) to both Seller and Merchant payment pages - see attached screen shot. They just don't appear in the email you send back (blank spaces).

The integration guide - the only one I could find on your website - is dated v 2.0 - 16th Jan 2007

Is the guide wrong? - if so, is there a later version of the guide?

Many thanks for your help,


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I'm afraid you have to have a Merchant Account to use the delivery variables. You have to enable the option of requesting the delivery address before using those parameters which you can only do with a Merchant Account.

We strongly suggest even if you have a Merchant Account and use the delivery variables to check that both the billing details and delivery details match for security reasons.

I hope this has cleared up any confusion.

Kind Regards,
Matthew Iveson
Nochex Technical Support

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  • 5 years later...

Hi Matthew,


Do you have a similar edit for nochex on the latest version of PS? I noticed in the code it has:

		$currencyid = $params['cart']->id_currency;
		$currency = Currency::getCurrency($currencyid);
		$c_rate = (is_array($currency) ? $currency['conversion_rate'] : $currency->conversion_rate);
		$amo = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, 3) / $c_rate;
		$customer = new Customer(intval($params['cart']->id_customer));

However, whilst the price on the nochex page is in GBP, the amount is the same. e.g. if it was $50 it shows up as £50 on the nochex payment page

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The latest module on our support page has been updated in relation to the currency, which can be found here: https://support.nochex.com/kb/faq.php?id=148


We have made the following update for the currency:

	$currency = new Currency((int)$cart->id_currency);
		$c_rate = (is_array($currency) ? $currency['conversion_rate'] : $currency->conversion_rate);
		$amo = number_format(round($cart->getOrderTotal(true, 3) / $c_rate, 2), 2, '.', '');

This will update / convert the amounts to GBP, and the Default Currency will need to be set to GBP.


If you choose to use the module or make your own modifications I would advise to make a backup of your existing module in case anything goes wrong.


Kind Regards

James Lugton - Nochex Technical Support

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