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Trying to display the manufacturer name on the product details page

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Hi there,

I tried to use the instructions here:


...to display the manufacturer name of a product on the product details page.

As you've guessed from me announcing my attempt here, it didn't work.

When I use the code {$product.manufacturer_name... it crashes the rest of the code after that, whereas if i put $product->manufacturer_name... it still doesn't work but at least the rest of the page does work as normal.

Do you need to alter any PHP file or class file to allow this to work?

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Okay, some progress.

I now have the manufacturer's name appearing in the products page, but I tried to link it to the manufacturer page which is created by the manufacturer's block.

If you click the name of a manufacturer on the manufacturer's block, it takes you to a page which is populated by every product in the store, by that particular manufacturer. Anybody know where the code is to alter this page?

Also, I can't get my manufacturer's name to link to those pages. I stole the code...

getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More magic by' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$product->manufacturer_name}">

... straight out of blockmanufacterer folder. But all the links link to the last manufacturer on the list. Can't figure out where my code is wrong.

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