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How to manipulate the products in the cart


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I need a module which will help me sort a problem. I am looking for some cart rule so that buyers can see that if they order more than 30, 60, 100, 150 or 250 Euro, they will get a gift! This is first thing...problem. The second is that there is a category which has 9 products. The buyer may only order just 1 of each product of that category. And products of this category are not counting for the total amount (in order to decide of the buyer will get a gift). These gift should also noted on the invoice.


I have a prestaversion

so olea extended cart rules is probably not working

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thanks for helping me!

I contacted dev. of gift. Every problem has a solution....lol

The only thing is 

  • Compatibilityv1.5.0.17 - v1.7.1.2

my  version of presta is

They didn't react on that one...so i will wait

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