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Problem with getting product images from custom loom module (Prestashop

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Hi there!

I'm developing a module that pretends to show 4 featured products on home. Those featured products are chosen by the client CRM/ERP (nowadays i'm just using an array as example).


The thing is that i can print product url, title, description, price, etc... but nor the image :(

I generated my module with Prestashop "Module Generator". 


I tried a lot of things like this:


On .tpl (didn't work)

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}" alt="{$product.name}" />

With this code src would be: http://mydomain.com/-tm_thickbox_default/.jpg



Also tried to get the image url from controller.php

public function hookDisplayHomeTab(){
        global $smarty;
        $arrayIds = array( 1396, 3193, 3341, 3336 ); //my products real ids
        $arrayprods = array();
        $arraylinks = array();
        $arrayimages = array();
        foreach ($arrayIds as $id){
            $actualProd = new Product($id,null,4); //getting product object
            array_push($arrayprods, $actualProd); //assign product object
            $link = new Link();
            $url = $link->getProductLink($actualProd); //getting product link
            array_push($arraylinks, $url); //assign product link

            $id_image = Product::getCover($id);
                if ($id_image > 0){
                    $image = new Image($id_image['id_image']);
                    $image_url = $image->getExistingImgPath().'.jpg';
                    array_push($arrayimages, $image_url);


        $smarty->assign('productos', $arrayprods); 
        $smarty->assign('links', $arraylinks); 
        $smarty->assign('images', $arrayimages); 
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'myview.tpl');


Actually, with this second code I got something like "1/3/6/136.jpg" so I could do www.mydomain.com/1/3/6/136.jpg and see an image, but, this image doesn't match with products selected, they are from other products.


It's quite weird because "136" seems to be first product image id (as other checks i made during the process) but when I'm trying to print it i just got another image with no relation.



Can anybody help me? What i'm doing wrong?

Edited by danielpenalver (see edit history)
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