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Subcategories only appear as text links, how do I make them image links?


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Some of my categories have multiple subcategories.  These subcategories appear as plain text links, I attached an image of one such page of subcategories.  When I upload an image on the subcategory admin page, the image appears on the admin page without any issue, however the plain text links on my site remain.  How can I make the images appear so that they are image links that match images I use on my main category page?


Thank you.



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Custom theme - ask custom theme developer.

We don't know the code of this theme. Or look at the standard themes category page. There you can see how it's done in standard template.


And just to yell out loud. You uploaded a screenshot with all important information missing but expect others to help. The others could then start to investigate their own shops, check for CSS or TP etc etc. Why is it so difficult for thread starters to make it easy to help?

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