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My backoffice overload server


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My hosting has contacted me and send me the traffic of the server.

From all scripts , it shows the login path that overloads dramatically the server.

When the back office is used it send more than 20 request with one click.

The version of Prestashop I use is 

The cache is off and the precompiling smarty option is off too.

I have switched off and on Smart Link, but nothing helps.The hosting provider wants to turn off the site, 

Please , help


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It seems you have choosen the wrong hosting company.


Having 20 requests is very common and nothing to worry about. Every separate pice of information send to the client is counted as request. So all CSS, all Javascript, all Images and so on add to requests. I see many sites having 100 to 200 requests on their start page. Ok, this isn't good then, but 20 per mouse click is normal.


Anyway I would recommend to turn smarty cache ON and also CCC for javascript and CSS files.


My statement would be another if malicious activities would be detected on your installation.


One hint:

There is a file named .htaccess in your webshops root directory. There you can block unwanted traffic. Many unwanted "search engines" are crawling webshops in intervals of seconds. This adds to traffic but with no advantage for the show owner.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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Thank you a lot!In the configuration of prestashop, I noticed that it ask me to enable this and I did it.Since than it seems it's ok.Is it possible to be this?



  • PHP fopen() 

I also notices in the same section the following : your files were changed:



  • admin501ssm1e/filemanager/upload.php
  • admin501ssme1/themes/default/css/admin-theme.css
  • admin501ssme1/themes/default/css/overrides.css
  • classes/ObjectModel.php
  • controllers/front/AuthController.php
  • controllers/front/AddressController.php
  • controllers/admin/AdminAddressesController.php
  • js/jquery/plugins/bxslider/jquery.bxslider.css

Where admin501ssm1e is the path to my login.


is it suspicious?

Edited by cyberblood (see edit history)
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I didn't change them!

This is the content of the AuthController of

* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

class AuthControllerCore extends FrontController
    public $ssl = true;
    public $php_self = 'authentication';
    public $auth = false;

     * @var bool create_account
    protected $create_account;
    protected $id_country;

     * Initialize auth controller
     * @see FrontController::init()
    public function init()

        if (!Tools::getIsset('step') && $this->context->customer->isLogged() && !$this->ajax) {
            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account'));

        if (Tools::getValue('create_account')) {
            $this->create_account = true;

     * Set default medias for this controller
     * @see FrontController::setMedia()
    public function setMedia()
        if (!$this->useMobileTheme()) {

     * Run ajax process
     * @see FrontController::displayAjax()
    public function displayAjax()

     * Assign template vars related to page content
     * @see FrontController::initContent()
    public function initContent()

        $this->context->smarty->assign('genders', Gender::getGenders());



        $newsletter = Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_NWSL') || (Module::isInstalled('blocknewsletter') && Module::getInstanceByName('blocknewsletter')->active);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('newsletter', $newsletter);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('optin', (bool)Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_OPTIN'));

        $back = Tools::getValue('back');
        $key = Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('key'));

        if (!empty($key)) {
            $back .= (strpos($back, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?').'key='.$key;

        if ($back == Tools::secureReferrer(Tools::getValue('back'))) {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('back', html_entity_decode($back));
        } else {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('back', Tools::safeOutput($back));

        if (Tools::getValue('display_guest_checkout')) {
            if (Configuration::get('PS_RESTRICT_DELIVERED_COUNTRIES')) {
                $countries = Carrier::getDeliveredCountries($this->context->language->id, true, true);
            } else {
                $countries = Country::getCountries($this->context->language->id, true);

                    'inOrderProcess' => true,
                    'PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED' => Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED'),
                    'PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE' => Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE'),
                    'sl_country' => (int)$this->id_country,
                    'countries' => $countries

        if (Tools::getValue('create_account')) {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('email_create', 1);

        if (Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1) {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('multi_shipping', true);
        } else {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('multi_shipping', false);

        $this->context->smarty->assign('field_required', $this->context->customer->validateFieldsRequiredDatabase());


        // Call a hook to display more information on form
            'HOOK_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM' => Hook::exec('displayCustomerAccountForm'),
            'HOOK_CREATE_ACCOUNT_TOP' => Hook::exec('displayCustomerAccountFormTop')

        // Just set $this->template value here in case it's used by Ajax

        if ($this->ajax) {
            // Call a hook to display more information on form
                    'PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE' => Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE'),
                    'genders' => Gender::getGenders()

            $return = array(
                'hasError' => !empty($this->errors),
                'errors' => $this->errors,
                'page' => $this->context->smarty->fetch($this->template),
                'token' => Tools::getToken(false)

     * Assign date var to smarty
    protected function assignDate()
        $selectedYears = (int)(Tools::getValue('years', 0));
        $years = Tools::dateYears();
        $selectedMonths = (int)(Tools::getValue('months', 0));
        $months = Tools::dateMonths();
        $selectedDays = (int)(Tools::getValue('days', 0));
        $days = Tools::dateDays();

                'one_phone_at_least' => (int)Configuration::get('PS_ONE_PHONE_AT_LEAST'),
                'onr_phone_at_least' => (int)Configuration::get('PS_ONE_PHONE_AT_LEAST'), //retro compat
                'years' => $years,
                'sl_year' => $selectedYears,
                'months' => $months,
                'sl_month' => $selectedMonths,
                'days' => $days,
                'sl_day' => $selectedDays

     * Assign countries var to smarty
    protected function assignCountries()
        $this->id_country = (int)Tools::getCountry();
        if (Configuration::get('PS_RESTRICT_DELIVERED_COUNTRIES')) {
            $countries = Carrier::getDeliveredCountries($this->context->language->id, true, true);
        } else {
            $countries = Country::getCountries($this->context->language->id, true);
                'countries' => $countries,
                'sl_country' => (int)$this->id_country,
                'vat_management' => Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_MANAGEMENT')

     * Assign address var to smarty
    protected function assignAddressFormat()
        $addressItems = array();
        $addressFormat = AddressFormat::getOrderedAddressFields((int)$this->id_country, false, true);
        $requireFormFieldsList = AddressFormat::getFieldsRequired();

        foreach ($addressFormat as $addressline) {
            foreach (explode(' ', $addressline) as $addressItem) {
                $addressItems[] = trim($addressItem);

        // Add missing require fields for a new user susbscription form
        foreach ($requireFormFieldsList as $fieldName) {
            if (!in_array($fieldName, $addressItems)) {
                $addressItems[] = trim($fieldName);

        foreach (array('inv', 'dlv') as $addressType) {
                $addressType.'_adr_fields' => $addressFormat,
                $addressType.'_all_fields' => $addressItems,
                'required_fields' => $requireFormFieldsList

     * Start forms process
     * @see FrontController::postProcess()
    public function postProcess()
        if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitCreate')) {

        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount') || Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) {

        if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitLogin')) {

     * Process login
    protected function processSubmitLogin()
        $passwd = trim(Tools::getValue('passwd'));
        $_POST['passwd'] = null;
        $email = trim(Tools::getValue('email'));
        if (empty($email)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An email address required.');
        } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.');
        } elseif (empty($passwd)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Password is required.');
        } elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($passwd)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid password.');
        } else {
            $customer = new Customer();
            $authentication = $customer->getByEmail(trim($email), trim($passwd));
            if (isset($authentication->active) && !$authentication->active) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your account isn\'t available at this time, please contact us');
            } elseif (!$authentication || !$customer->id) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Authentication failed.');
            } else {
                $this->context->cookie->id_compare = isset($this->context->cookie->id_compare) ? $this->context->cookie->id_compare: CompareProduct::getIdCompareByIdCustomer($customer->id);
                $this->context->cookie->id_customer = (int)($customer->id);
                $this->context->cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname;
                $this->context->cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname;
                $this->context->cookie->logged = 1;
                $customer->logged = 1;
                $this->context->cookie->is_guest = $customer->isGuest();
                $this->context->cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd;
                $this->context->cookie->email = $customer->email;

                // Add customer to the context
                $this->context->customer = $customer;

                if (Configuration::get('PS_CART_FOLLOWING') && (empty($this->context->cookie->id_cart) || Cart::getNbProducts($this->context->cookie->id_cart) == 0) && $id_cart = (int)Cart::lastNoneOrderedCart($this->context->customer->id)) {
                    $this->context->cart = new Cart($id_cart);
                } else {
                    $id_carrier = (int)$this->context->cart->id_carrier;
                    $this->context->cart->id_carrier = 0;
                    $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId((int)($customer->id));
                    $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId((int)($customer->id));
                $this->context->cart->id_customer = (int)$customer->id;
                $this->context->cart->secure_key = $customer->secure_key;

                if ($this->ajax && isset($id_carrier) && $id_carrier && Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE')) {
                    $delivery_option = array($this->context->cart->id_address_delivery => $id_carrier.',');

                $this->context->cookie->id_cart = (int)$this->context->cart->id;

                Hook::exec('actionAuthentication', array('customer' => $this->context->customer));

                // Login information have changed, so we check if the cart rules still apply

                if (!$this->ajax) {
                    $back = Tools::getValue('back','my-account');

                    if ($back == Tools::secureReferrer($back)) {

                    Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : $back));
        if ($this->ajax) {
            $return = array(
                'hasError' => !empty($this->errors),
                'errors' => $this->errors,
                'token' => Tools::getToken(false)
        } else {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('authentification_error', $this->errors);

     * Process the newsletter settings and set the customer infos.
     * @param Customer $customer Reference on the customer Object.
     * @note At this point, the email has been validated.
    protected function processCustomerNewsletter(&$customer)
        $blocknewsletter = Module::isInstalled('blocknewsletter') && $module_newsletter = Module::getInstanceByName('blocknewsletter');
        if ($blocknewsletter && $module_newsletter->active && !Tools::getValue('newsletter')) {
            if (is_callable(array($module_newsletter, 'isNewsletterRegistered')) && $module_newsletter->isNewsletterRegistered(Tools::getValue('email')) == $module_newsletter::GUEST_REGISTERED) {

                /* Force newsletter registration as customer as already registred as guest */
                $_POST['newsletter'] = true;

        if (Tools::getValue('newsletter')) {
            $customer->newsletter = true;
            $customer->ip_registration_newsletter = pSQL(Tools::getRemoteAddr());
            $customer->newsletter_date_add = pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
            /** @var Blocknewsletter $module_newsletter */
            if ($blocknewsletter && $module_newsletter->active) {

     * Process submit on an account
    protected function processSubmitAccount()
        $this->create_account = true;
        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount')) {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('email_create', 1);
        // New Guest customer
        if (!Tools::getValue('is_new_customer', 1) && !Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot create a guest account.');
        if (!Tools::getValue('is_new_customer', 1)) {
            $_POST['passwd'] = md5(time()._COOKIE_KEY_);
        if ($guest_email = Tools::getValue('guest_email')) {
            $_POST['email'] = $guest_email;
        // Checked the user address in case he changed his email address
        if (Validate::isEmail($email = Tools::getValue('email')) && !empty($email)) {
            if (Customer::customerExists($email)) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An account using this email address has already been registered.', false);
        // Preparing customer
        $customer = new Customer();
        $lastnameAddress = Tools::getValue('lastname');
        $firstnameAddress = Tools::getValue('firstname');
        $_POST['lastname'] = Tools::getValue('customer_lastname', $lastnameAddress);
        $_POST['firstname'] = Tools::getValue('customer_firstname', $firstnameAddress);
        $addresses_types = array('address');
        if (!Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') && Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED') && Tools::getValue('invoice_address')) {
            $addresses_types[] = 'address_invoice';

        $error_phone = false;
        if (Configuration::get('PS_ONE_PHONE_AT_LEAST')) {
            if (Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount') || !Tools::getValue('is_new_customer')) {
                if (!Tools::getValue('phone') && !Tools::getValue('phone_mobile')) {
                    $error_phone = true;
            } elseif (((Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE') && Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE'))
                    || (Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') && !Tools::getValue('email_create'))
                    || (Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE') && Tools::getValue('email_create')))
                    && (!Tools::getValue('phone') && !Tools::getValue('phone_mobile'))) {
                $error_phone = true;

        if ($error_phone) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You must register at least one phone number.');

        $this->errors = array_unique(array_merge($this->errors, $customer->validateController()));

        // Check the requires fields which are settings in the BO
        $this->errors = $this->errors + $customer->validateFieldsRequiredDatabase();

        if (!Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE') && !$this->ajax && !Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) {
            if (!count($this->errors)) {


                $customer->firstname = Tools::ucwords($customer->firstname);
                $customer->birthday = (empty($_POST['years']) ? '' : (int)Tools::getValue('years').'-'.(int)Tools::getValue('months').'-'.(int)Tools::getValue('days'));
                if (!Validate::isBirthDate($customer->birthday)) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid date of birth.');

                // New Guest customer
                $customer->is_guest = (Tools::isSubmit('is_new_customer') ? !Tools::getValue('is_new_customer', 1) : 0);
                $customer->active = 1;

                if (!count($this->errors)) {
                    if ($customer->add()) {
                        if (!$customer->is_guest) {
                            if (!$this->sendConfirmationMail($customer)) {
                                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The email cannot be sent.');


                        Hook::exec('actionCustomerAccountAdd', array(
                                '_POST' => $_POST,
                                'newCustomer' => $customer
                        if ($this->ajax) {
                            $return = array(
                                'hasError' => !empty($this->errors),
                                'errors' => $this->errors,
                                'isSaved' => true,
                                'id_customer' => (int)$this->context->cookie->id_customer,
                                'id_address_delivery' => $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery,
                                'id_address_invoice' => $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice,
                                'token' => Tools::getToken(false)

                        if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back)) {

                        // redirection: if cart is not empty : redirection to the cart
                        if (count($this->context->cart->getProducts(true)) > 0) {
                            $multi = (int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping');
                            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order'.($multi ? '&multi-shipping='.$multi : ''));
                        // else : redirection to the account
                        else {
                            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account'));
                    } else {
                        $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating your account.');
        } else {
            // if registration type is in one step, we save the address

            $_POST['lastname'] = $lastnameAddress;
            $_POST['firstname'] = $firstnameAddress;
            $post_back = $_POST;
            // Preparing addresses
            foreach ($addresses_types as $addresses_type) {
                $$addresses_type = new Address();
                $$addresses_type->id_customer = 1;

                if ($addresses_type == 'address_invoice') {
                    foreach ($_POST as $key => &$post) {
                        if ($tmp = Tools::getValue($key.'_invoice')) {
                            $post = $tmp;

                $this->errors = array_unique(array_merge($this->errors, $$addresses_type->validateController()));
                if ($addresses_type == 'address_invoice') {
                    $_POST = $post_back;

                if (!($country = new Country($$addresses_type->id_country)) || !Validate::isLoadedObject($country)) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country cannot be loaded with address->id_country');

                if (!$country->active) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This country is not active.');

                $postcode = $$addresses_type->postcode;
                /* Check zip code format */
                if ($country->zip_code_format && !$country->checkZipCode($postcode)) {
                    $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The Zip/Postal code you\'ve entered is invalid. It must follow this format: %s'), str_replace('C', $country->iso_code, str_replace('N', '0', str_replace('L', 'A', $country->zip_code_format))));
                } elseif (empty($postcode) && $country->need_zip_code) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A Zip / Postal code is required.');
                } elseif ($postcode && !Validate::isPostCode($postcode)) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The Zip / Postal code is invalid.');
                if ($country->need_identification_number && (!Tools::getValue('dni') || !Validate::isDniLite(Tools::getValue('dni')))) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.');
                } elseif (!$country->need_identification_number) {
                    $$addresses_type->dni = null;
                if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount') || Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) {
                    if (!($country = new Country($$addresses_type->id_country, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))) || !Validate::isLoadedObject($country)) {
                        $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country is invalid');
                $contains_state = isset($country) && is_object($country) ? (int)$country->contains_states: 0;
                $id_state = isset($$addresses_type) && is_object($$addresses_type) ? (int)$$addresses_type->id_state: 0;
                if ((Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount') || Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) && $contains_state && !$id_state) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This country requires you to choose a State.');

        if (!@checkdate(Tools::getValue('months'), Tools::getValue('days'), Tools::getValue('years')) && !(Tools::getValue('months') == '' && Tools::getValue('days') == '' && Tools::getValue('years') == '')) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid date of birth');

        if (!count($this->errors)) {
            if (Customer::customerExists(Tools::getValue('email'))) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An account using this email address has already been registered. Please enter a valid password or request a new one. ', false);


            $customer->birthday = (empty($_POST['years']) ? '' : (int)Tools::getValue('years').'-'.(int)Tools::getValue('months').'-'.(int)Tools::getValue('days'));
            if (!Validate::isBirthDate($customer->birthday)) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid date of birth');

            if (!count($this->errors)) {
                $customer->active = 1;
                // New Guest customer
                if (Tools::isSubmit('is_new_customer')) {
                    $customer->is_guest = !Tools::getValue('is_new_customer', 1);
                } else {
                    $customer->is_guest = 0;
                if (!$customer->add()) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating your account.');
                } else {
                    foreach ($addresses_types as $addresses_type) {
                        $$addresses_type->id_customer = (int)$customer->id;
                        if ($addresses_type == 'address_invoice') {
                            foreach ($_POST as $key => &$post) {
                                if ($tmp = Tools::getValue($key.'_invoice')) {
                                    $post = $tmp;

                        $this->errors = array_unique(array_merge($this->errors, $$addresses_type->validateController()));
                        if ($addresses_type == 'address_invoice') {
                            $_POST = $post_back;
                        if (!count($this->errors) && (Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE') || $this->ajax || Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) && !$$addresses_type->add()) {
                            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating your address.');
                    if (!count($this->errors)) {
                        if (!$customer->is_guest) {
                            $this->context->customer = $customer;
                            // we add the guest customer in the default customer group
                            if (!$this->sendConfirmationMail($customer)) {
                                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The email cannot be sent.');
                        } else {
                            // we add the guest customer in the guest customer group
                        $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId((int)$customer->id);
                        $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId((int)$customer->id);
                        if (isset($address_invoice) && Validate::isLoadedObject($address_invoice)) {
                            $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice = (int)$address_invoice->id;

                        if ($this->ajax && Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE')) {
                            $delivery_option = array((int)$this->context->cart->id_address_delivery => (int)$this->context->cart->id_carrier.',');

                        // If a logged guest logs in as a customer, the cart secure key was already set and needs to be updated

                        // Avoid articles without delivery address on the cart

                        Hook::exec('actionCustomerAccountAdd', array(
                                '_POST' => $_POST,
                                'newCustomer' => $customer
                        if ($this->ajax) {
                            $return = array(
                                'hasError' => !empty($this->errors),
                                'errors' => $this->errors,
                                'isSaved' => true,
                                'id_customer' => (int)$this->context->cookie->id_customer,
                                'id_address_delivery' => $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery,
                                'id_address_invoice' => $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice,
                                'token' => Tools::getToken(false)
                        // if registration type is in two steps, we redirect to register address
                        if (!Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE') && !$this->ajax && !Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) {

                        if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back)) {

                        // redirection: if cart is not empty : redirection to the cart
                        if (count($this->context->cart->getProducts(true)) > 0) {
                            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order'.($multi = (int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') ? '&multi-shipping='.$multi : ''));
                        // else : redirection to the account
                        else {
                            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account'));

        if (count($this->errors)) {
            //for retro compatibility to display guest account creation form on authentication page
            if (Tools::getValue('submitGuestAccount')) {
                $_GET['display_guest_checkout'] = 1;

            if (!Tools::getValue('is_new_customer')) {
            if ($this->ajax) {
                $return = array(
                    'hasError' => !empty($this->errors),
                    'errors' => $this->errors,
                    'isSaved' => false,
                    'id_customer' => 0
            $this->context->smarty->assign('account_error', $this->errors);

     * Process submit on a creation
    protected function processSubmitCreate()
        if (!Validate::isEmail($email = trim(Tools::getValue('email_create'))) || empty($email)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.');
        } elseif (Customer::customerExists($email)) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An account using this email address has already been registered. Please enter a valid password or request a new one. ', false);
            $_POST['email'] = trim(Tools::getValue('email_create'));
        } else {
            $this->create_account = true;
            $this->context->smarty->assign('email_create', Tools::safeOutput($email));
            $_POST['email'] = $email;

     * Update context after customer creation
     * @param Customer $customer Created customer
    protected function updateContext(Customer $customer)
        $this->context->customer = $customer;
        $this->context->smarty->assign('confirmation', 1);
        $this->context->cookie->id_customer = (int)$customer->id;
        $this->context->cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname;
        $this->context->cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname;
        $this->context->cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd;
        $this->context->cookie->logged = 1;
        // if register process is in two steps, we display a message to confirm account creation
        if (!Configuration::get('PS_REGISTRATION_PROCESS_TYPE')) {
            $this->context->cookie->account_created = 1;
        $customer->logged = 1;
        $this->context->cookie->email = $customer->email;
        $this->context->cookie->is_guest = !Tools::getValue('is_new_customer', 1);
        // Update cart address
        $this->context->cart->secure_key = $customer->secure_key;

     * sendConfirmationMail
     * @param Customer $customer
     * @return bool
    protected function sendConfirmationMail(Customer $customer)
        if (!Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_CREATION_EMAIL')) {
            return true;

        return Mail::Send(
                '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
                '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
                '{email}' => $customer->email,
                '{passwd}' => Tools::getValue('passwd')),
            $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname

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I have compared the original file of and the one i have on the hosting.


The code between lines 544 to 550 was commented in my file! I don't know for what is responsible, but it's very suspicious.

If this is some kind of attack the overload could be as consequences of some attack executing some script.

                if ($country->need_identification_number && (!Tools::getValue('dni') || !Validate::isDniLite(Tools::getValue('dni')))) {
                    $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.');
                } elseif (!$country->need_identification_number) {
                    $$addresses_type->dni = null;
Edited by cyberblood (see edit history)
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Ok, unterstood. Has the hosting company told you anything about your site might be hacked?


Is it a shared host or dedicated host? If it's a shared host, this could be a problem.

What are your server specifications in terms of memory and cpu?

Have you got an email from your hosting company? Can you provide its content?

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