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Admin Dashboard still showing the module tag after uninstall and deleted


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I just tried to uninstall and deleted the PrestaBlog module, however, after uninstalled, it still showing the Prestablog tab on left menu in Admin dashboard. How can I remove this tab in the menu? When I click the PrestaBlog, it will show the "Controller not found"


I also try to reinstall it and delete it again but still not success to remove it in the left menu, now have 4 "PrestaBlog" in the left menu after few try.




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The issue is in the module, it does not fully clear all data when you uninstall it. To delete the tabs you need to login to your hosting, using phpmyadmin to remove all relevant data from the 2 following tables: ps_tab & ps_tab_lang.

Check the following screenshot: http://prntscr.com/gccbs0

Edited by ets-soft (see edit history)
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