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Product gallery displayed wrongly


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Hi :)

my first post here and with an issue  :wub:

btw im newbie to this 


im using prestashop

with template theme


first questions is 


at product page when click in product to zoom it displayed very bad as you can see here



how to fix that ?


and if there any free hover to zoom module for this prestashop version ?


last one i want to remove the data on Admin login page like prestashop version and  prestashop logo 

like in the attached 


thanks in advance 

Edited by TAZTHEONLY (see edit history)
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Well, this is the problem. In your theme.css file (that is compilled from other css files) you have:

#product-modal .modal-content .modal-body .image-caption {
    background: white;
    width: 800px;
    padding: 0.625rem 1.25rem;
    border-top: #ebebeb 1px solid;

That fixed width is wrong. It should be 100%.

To fix this, put this code in custom.css:

#product-modal .modal-content .modal-body .image-caption {
    width: 100%!important;

Also, default gallery sucks in Classic theme (and it looks like your theme uses the same gallery). You could try to replace it with fancybox v3. It's vastly superiour, but you have to get your hands dirty and write some code. I have implemented it (in conjunction with Swiper) on a website that I am currently working on (still in progress): https://anarchy.ro/naivia/en/tshirts/1-tricou-pastel-cu-maneci-scurte -  if you would like to see it in action on PrestaShop. 

awesome thanks for your reply really appreciate it 

the code worked i tried several before didn't this one did 

i will try fancybox later to test it 

thanks very much for your help 

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You coluld also add:

#product-modal .modal-content .modal-body .product-cover-modal img{

... to fill all the horizontal space for all images.


thanks really for your help 

thats what people should be like you helping each others 

thanks again :) 

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