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Create another logo on top right of page. How?

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We're using the default bootstrap theme under

We have our logo in the top left corner of the page as desired. 

I'm trying to place another duplicate logo in the space to the right. (Picture mockup of what I need)

I guess I would need to change header.tpl but not sure if a hook is needed?

Our website is https://secondtimearoundcharities.org/ecomm/index.php

Any help would be gratefully received.

Best wishes


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We're using the default bootstrap theme under


We have our logo in the top left corner of the page as desired. 



I'm trying to place another duplicate logo in the space to the right. (Picture mockup of what I need)



I guess I would need to change header.tpl but not sure if a hook is needed?


Our website is https://secondtimearoundcharities.org/ecomm/index.php


Any help would be gratefully received.


Best wishes






You need to find in the header.tpl such code

<div class="row">
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>
    {if isset($HOOK_TOP)}{$HOOK_TOP}{/if}

And replace with

<div class="row">
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>
    {if isset($HOOK_TOP)}{$HOOK_TOP}{/if}
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>
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You need to find in the header.tpl such code

<div class="row">
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>
    {if isset($HOOK_TOP)}{$HOOK_TOP}{/if}

And replace with

<div class="row">
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>
    {if isset($HOOK_TOP)}{$HOOK_TOP}{/if}
    <div id="header_logo">
        <a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
            <img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>

Hi BonPresta,


I added those lines into themes/default-bootstrap/header.tpl and the second logo puts itself underneath the catalogue categories bar.



Does it think there is something already hidden there, so places the second logo in the first place it can find?


I went into Inspect mode within Firefox and placed the mouse pointer (the position of the yellow circle in the attached picture) and it didn't find an hidden element there.





Many thanks





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Hi BonPresta,


I added those lines into themes/default-bootstrap/header.tpl and the second logo puts itself underneath the catalogue categories bar.



Does it think there is something already hidden there, so places the second logo in the first place it can find?


I went into Inspect mode within Firefox and placed the mouse pointer (the position of the yellow circle in the attached picture) and it didn't find an hidden element there.





Many thanks







Because the search and the menu are in the same hook


You need to put a logo above the menu,
Here are two options, add a logo module to the Top.
Or insert the logo code above the menu in the file - blocktopmenu.tpl
<div id="header_logo">
	<a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
		<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>

{if $MENU != ''}
	<!-- Menu -->
	<div id="block_top_menu" class="sf-contener clearfix col-lg-12">
		<div class="cat-title">{l s="Menu" mod="blocktopmenu"}</div>
		<ul class="sf-menu clearfix menu-content">
			{if $MENU_SEARCH}
				<li class="sf-search noBack" style="float:right">
					<form id="searchbox" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="get">
							<input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" />
							<input type="hidden" value="position" name="orderby"/>
							<input type="hidden" value="desc" name="orderway"/>
							<input type="text" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" />
	<!--/ Menu -->
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Because the search and the menu are in the same hook


You need to put a logo above the menu,
Here are two options, add a logo module to the Top.
Or insert the logo code above the menu in the file - blocktopmenu.tpl
<div id="header_logo">
	<a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
		<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>

{if $MENU != ''}
	<!-- Menu -->
	<div id="block_top_menu" class="sf-contener clearfix col-lg-12">
		<div class="cat-title">{l s="Menu" mod="blocktopmenu"}</div>
		<ul class="sf-menu clearfix menu-content">
			{if $MENU_SEARCH}
				<li class="sf-search noBack" style="float:right">
					<form id="searchbox" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="get">
							<input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" />
							<input type="hidden" value="position" name="orderby"/>
							<input type="hidden" value="desc" name="orderway"/>
							<input type="text" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" />
	<!--/ Menu -->


Yep, added the logo code to blocktopmenu.tpl and the second logo appears as needed.


That's excellent and many thanks.


The only thing down the road would be to make a change to the mobile setup so only the first logo is shown.

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I guess that for the additional logo code added into blocktopmenu.tpl, that using div add class=" hidden-xs hidden-sm" encapulating the logo code would stop the second logo appearing if the screen wasn't large enough.

OK, for those who will look for the solution later. This is working now. With the help of BonPresta.


If you want a second logo in the top right of the screen to mirror the one on the left add the following code to themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl


<div add class=" hidden-xs">
<div id="header_logo">
	<a href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
		<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>

Using just the hidden-xs class will mean when the screen has reached the smallest width and the responsive logo is the full width of the screen, a second logo is overkill, so by encapsulating the second logo code, it will turn off the second logo.



Edited by BrainSuperGlue (see edit history)
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