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Payment module redirection prestashop 1.7

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Hi, I am trying to change the sisow payment module default behaviour. I think that the main idea should be the same for any payment module. The problem is that the module redirects the user to the orders history after successful payment. I would like to redirect the user to the page with the successful payment and order creation. How should I do it? I see that after the successful payment the redirection is as follows:


When I look at the OrderConfirmattionController I see that the following code 

$redirectLink = 'index.php?controller=history';

I have also variables in the module configuration:


These variables have some default values but as far as I see it does not affect to redirection.


So the main question is, how should I set the redirection link for the successful payment to go to the successful order page?


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  • 2 years later...
7 hours ago, dprvandijk said:


Did you manage to fix this behaviour? Currently i'm experiencing the same behaviour with a Sisow payment since I migrated from PrestaShop 1.6 to 1.7.
After a simulated payment, I am redirected to the order history and no order is created.

Hi, I stopped further investigations since my customer turned to Mollie.

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  • 4 years later...

@a-v-p I had the same issue and is solved it by:

Make sure the values of id_cart, id_module, id_order and key are not empty and are the correct values for the given order. Otherwise the OrderConfirmationController will redirect you  to order history page.

check >  your_project_name/controllers/front/OrderConfirmationController.php for default setup.


Prestashop version: 1.7.8


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