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Cart Issues


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You haven't mention your prestashop version in use which could help to determine the problem.

The error itself complains about wrong shipping cost.


PayPal uses its own check mechanism for all totals in an order. If the do NOT MATCH EXACTELY, you get such kind of errors.

If might be a rounding problem.


Eventually post a shop url. And check your shipping costs in terms of rounding.


Do you have an alternate payment method than just PayPal? If yes, can you order with another payment method?

If this is the case, it's quite likle what I mentionned above.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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Prestashop Version


Paypal Euro Version 3.11.4




I have read the posts about rounding and investigations have showed some issues. If we use the price $69.90 the cart will not even process, if we use $69.95 the cart works.


We have received orders from other payment methods.


The postage rate for the order causing this new problem is $9.70


Rounding is set per item to match Paypal

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