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Modules page is not loading in Backoffice


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I am using Prestashop and after upgrading from, the AdminModules page is not loading with the following error:

Installed modules [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function $() in
Stack trace: #0
<path_to_prestashop_installation>/cache/smarty/compile/ec/47/7d/ec477da7766c729d5ca0efb768279dc04c80cc65.file.kpi.tpl.php(62): �('90', '&', '&') #1 <path_to_prestashop_installation>/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(188): content_5975e89bb6b303_94225905(Object(Smarty_Custom_Template)) #2 <path_to_prestashop_installation>/classes/SmartyCustom.php(317): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(Object(Smarty_Custom_Template), NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true, false) #3 <path_to_prestashop_installation>/classes/helper/HelperKpi.php(63): Smarty_Custom_Template->fetch() #4 <path_to_prestashop_installation>/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php(1315): HelperKpiCore->generate() #5 <path_to_prestashop_installation>/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php(1)

When I disable Caching and I choose "Force compilation" the error message is the following:

[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :<path_to_prestashop_installation>/classes/ConfigurationKPI.php:
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ConfigurationKPI::ace","author":"Malttt","image":"..\/img\/tmp\/a9f143a4c9899aab5cc2dde714ab7557.jpg","option":""}, {"displayName":"Google AdWords","desc":"Show your ad to people at the very moment they are searching for what you offer","name":"gadwords","author":"PrestaShop Partners","image":"..\/img\/tmp\/74655e386c71fd901da39083fd6288fe.jpg","option":""}, {"displayName":"Google Analytics","desc":"\u0391\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03c4\u03ae\u03c3\u03c4\u03b5 \u03be\u03b5\u03ba\u03ac\u03b8\u03b1\u03c1\u03b5\u03c2 \u03c0\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c6\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03b5\u03c2 \u03bc\u03ad\u03c3\u03c9 \u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd \u03bc\u03b5\u03c4\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03bd \u03b3\u03b9\u03b1 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5\u03c2 \u03c0\u03b5\u03bb\u03ac\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2 \u03c3\u03b1\u03c2, \u03c7\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03bc\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03c2 \u03c4\u03b1 Google Analytics","name":"ganalytics","author":"Pre

The module that is trying to "parse" is https://addons.prestashop.com/en/registration-ordering-process/24894-google-address-autocomplete.html and I found that it exists in the `must_have_modules_list.xml` config file.


I don't think that this has to do with the upgrade, but I really don't know where to start looking what is wrong.


Any ideas?

Edited by astathopoulos (see edit history)
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Apparently, this error occurs only with PHP 7.0.21. When I switch to 5.6.31 everything works fine. I have the same installation locally (same modules folders, same database) with PHP 7.0.19 and it also works.


I am starting to believe that something changed from 7.0.19 to 7.0.21 that broke smarty.


The release of 7.0.21 (06 Jul 2017) perfectly fits the period that I noticed that this page started to blow up (Siteground is really fast at bringing the latest PHP minor versions to its plans).


I have to investigate it more I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi pesu,


I didn't have time to further investigate it. I have to install PHP 7.0.21 locally to figure out what is happening. What I have done as a dirty hack is to switch temporarily the admin section to PHP 5.6.31.


I will post here, if I have any update!

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Just for information - we run instances with PHP 7.0.20 without any problems in this context.

The function called on line 30 in the smarty files is:

    return smarty_mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

But why does it say: Call to undefined function $() ?

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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I have 8 shops they all uses and PHP 7.0.21. But only one has the problem and it occured after I installed a module manually. It's very strange.

I will update to tomorrow and see what happens after the update.

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I just switched admin back to PHP7.0. At the following error occured:

[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/astathop/public_html/pharmacynextdoor.gr/Adapter/Adapter_Configuration.php:
Interface 'Core_Business_ConfigurationInterface' not found

But after the refresh everything worked again.


I have upgraded prestashop to but I don't think that this is fixed the problem. Another thing that was changed is that Siteground upgraded its PHP version to 7.0.22.

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