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Rich Snippets Test Tool - Giving Price Warning PS


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I am in the process of upgrading my website from PS 1.4 to PS 1.6, my live PS 1.4 site passes Googles rich snippets tests without any errors.


However I am horrified to see that the home page and any category pagesm but not product pages on the new website fails on Price warnings "£ 54.99 (The property £ 54.99 is not a valid price specification. Find out more about http://schema.org/price.) ". 


If I run the test at a product page though it passes without any warnings ????



So if I run the test at the home page or category pages, i get the errors.




But if I run the test at any products page, i get no error (heres some examples)







I have changed the Product.tpl file as per the below




This is taken from that above post

The problem is in this line of code

<span id="our_price_display" itemprop="price" class="price">{convertPrice price=$productPrice}</span>

This will display the price including the currency symbol, for example $40.00


Google does not want the currency symbol in the price, so one thought is to remove itemprop="price" from that line

<span id="our_price_display" class="price">{convertPrice price=$productPrice}</span>


And instead use meta tags to provide the price and currency separately.  Something like this....


<meta itemprop="price" content="{$productPrice}" />
<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="{$currency->iso_code}" />


But this hasn't changed anything and I still get the warning??


I dont want to change to the new website to find the site is already being penalised before its even gone live?



Can anybody help please ???


Thank you




Edited by ScooterCk (see edit history)
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