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How do I transfer localhost to online in PS1.7


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  1. backup your files and database
  2. Transfer files to your website
  3. import your database
  4. change the database info in app/config/parameters.php to reflect the new name and password of your database and user
  5. go into your database and change prefix_shop_url to the url of your new webspace
  6. go into your database and change prefix_configuration and change the values for PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL

That's it off the top of my head....

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In app/config/parameters.php do i need to change    
'database_host' => '',
'database_port' => '',
I have modified  ps_shop_url

domain - www.fruitnuttrees.co.uk
domain_ssl - www.fruitnuttrees.co.uk
physical_uri - /prestashopv1.7.1/


Also modified in ps_configuration


PS_SHOP_DOMAIN - www.fruitnuttrees.co.uk

PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL - www.fruitnuttrees.co.uk


Problem is that http://localhost:7777/prestashopv1.7.1/admin/    works OK and I can access everything.


When I try to use http://localhost:7777/prestashopv1.7.1/    I get  error - The requested URL /prestashopv1.7.1/ was not found on this server.


The domain name http://www.fruitnuttrees.co.uk/ used on this computer brings up the main page on my old computer.


My old computer uses PS version which has run its life on port 80, and I am trying to setup a new computer, with the latest software of PS1.7.1 on port 7777


I am scratching my head. Any ideas.

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