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Identify customer referrer


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I want to identify from where my customers came from.


On the orders details, I can see a "Referrer" section but only show "google" sometimes.


I want to know if an order from a customer came from organic search (and the search terms if possible), adwords and the clicked ad, google shopping and even, if came from an special URL with "utm" labels.


Is this possible ? I was searching a module for that, but can't identify one that do this.



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The short answer: Yes, it is possible but either you need a module for that our you would have to change a part of your code (php).


If you tend to do it on your own: adwords visitors come with an URL parameter called gclid=.............



The value following the param is unique to adwords visitors. The only important to determine, there is an URL parameter gclid set.

So you could enhande ps_connections by a column called adwords (boolen) and in front controller check, wether the param is set and set the adwords within the ps_connections table to true, else to false.


Also take into your consideration that an adwords customer might visit your shop today but could place the order days later.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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