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Enable taxes for specific countries in EU if VAT added

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I need to enable taxes if company (inc VAT number ) added for specific countries Italy for example. 

Now when user successfully registered and is added VAT number, this mean it's a company and there is no TAXES. This is good, but i wanna enable taxes for Italy even VAT number added ...

Can You help me with that guys?

Thank You

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Never heard that there are no TAXES when the customer is a company.


However, a solution would be, to have to countries for Italty.

Italy without tax

Italy with tax


After customers register, the VAT number must be checked and in dependence of the result, the account will be connected to either of these two countries.

Within a country you can define if prices are shown with or without tax.


This soultion would need an own module with a hook for new customers.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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