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Link to combinations in category page

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Hello everyone,

I started using PrestaShop( about 3 weeks ago for a job and I have a question about something I'd like to do.

I bought a module which allow to display all combinations of a product in a table in the category page (module 'Liste des déclinaisons' in French). However, I don't need all information in this table (for example the price, or the button 'add to cart'). Instead, I would like to put a link to redirect to the product page of the combination.

I am not a pro with php and smarty so I have some problems to do it (I don't know what exacty and where to do).


So I have questions:

  • Is this doable "easily" whitout taking too much time ?
  • If so, can anyone give me an example of how to collect the information of a product and then adda link ?


Thank you.


ps: I also posted this in the French section, I hope it is not a problem to have 2 topics.

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If someone knows how to do, I still need help.

I attached a picture to show you what I want to do exactly.


I imagine that I have to modify a .tpl file but I would like to know how to write something that would give me the link of every product.




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