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[solved] error 500 when proceeding to checkout


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Good Afternoon,

The Webstore that we are making is on testing phase.


In the past 8th of June, we performed a fictitious purchase to test the payment method, by bank transfer. We received the email with the information. Everything working as it should.


Yesterday, on the 27th of June, we installed the official Paypal module and we couldn't proceed through the checkout (Error 500 shows up). We reinstalled the Paypal module, we installed a previous version of the module, but the problem persists. We then attempted to restore the webstore and databases through the server, and the problem still remains, everything is working properly but we cannot do a checkout.

Screenshots will be sent, attached to the topic:







Thank you



Edited by CelsoReis89 (see edit history)
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What is your store's language.


When you use friendly URL, please try off and it should works.




We already tried this. 


Ther error 500 disappears but when we press the checkout option, prestashop redirects to the homepage.

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If you want use friendly url need to rename ORDER URL (for example www.myshop.com/order to .../order-step) in URL's at Backoffice.


What is your store language ?


Which payment method you select?



I tried this (change the url/ clean the cache) and the error 500 still keeps appearing.


The store language is portuguese, so the url is "encomenda" (order). I put "encomenda-step".


The payment method at this point is only wired transfer. i disabled and unistalled the paypal. 


the test store is: www.webonline.inforusados.pt/


thank you

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Good Afternoon,


I come to indicate that the situation is already fixed.


After getting in touch with the entity that created the template, It was verified that the language pack had an error in a variable, which like so caused the checkout error. The language pack was then updated and the situation was fixed


Thank you,



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