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Load multilanguages prestashop Slowly


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Good Morning,


First of all I have a very low knowledge and experience, so sorry me for dumb questions.

In the last time our E-commerce site was been very slow (as speed loading) and we have been found that the inodes disk usage was full, so we're going to delete some massive files (massive as number but very low size) to guarantee a decent experience on our website.


So here it is fine, but going deeper, I have seen that the loading times of a single page are lengthened by an additional factor (I have found that be a common problem) when you enter on a site page of the site it doesn't load only the select version of the language (Italian or English), but load the same page in all languages before guarantee you the possibility of navigating. Is there a way to prevent this meaningless thing? If I'm on a site I expect to load the language previously selected, then if I want to have the other one I'll go to select it personally and only then it should load it.


Thank you,


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