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Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and


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Weet iemand hoe dit op te lossen is groot probleem in de admin (site is live )

kan niet meer bij modulen en producten geeft hij er maar 1  site is werkt wel gewoon online en volgens mij zonder fouten

geeft bij admin volgende fout zie hieronder


Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache


alvast bedankt



versie prestashop


Does anyone know how to fix this is big problem in the admin (site is live)

No longer knows about modules and products he only has 1 site, but just online and without errors

Gives admin the following error see below


Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache


thank you in advance

Edited by wisselring100 (see edit history)
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Buenas, yo lo he solucionado modificando la última línea (118) del archivo config.yml, situado en carpeta_prestashop/app/config. Lo único que hice es quitar # de: 


# verify_ssl: ~ # Bundle CA by default, declaring "addons.api_client.verify_ssl" parameter overrides its usage


quedaría así:


verify_ssl: ~ # Bundle CA by default, declaring "addons.api_client.verify_ssl" parameter overrides its usage

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