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Technical error: Unexpected response returned by server. Import stopped. Where to read more

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Hi to everyone i'm new.

I have a problem importing categories via csv on my prestshop new site. After reading some documentation i have build my csv this way:


Category root 1

Category root 2

Category sub -> Category related: Category root 1

Category sub sub -> Category related: Category sub.


So two problem i have, the first one is that if i Import the entire csv, prestshop do a lot of mess creating mother categoryes where there must be a sub one, even if i had ordered the csv in a way that first are the lines with the mother categories and ater the sub and then the sub sub. The second problem is that if i truncate the csv file into smaller file with "Root Categories" "sub categories" "sub sub categories" and so on, when i try to import something under the sub categories i Always get the error in the topic..


I would really like to read a more explainable log where i can find it? In the log section of the prestashop admin panel i didn't find a lot of information, my presashop is installed on a cloud server, is it possibile to find a log file?

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