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Mostrar horarios de un store


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Mostrar datos de las tiendas con todos sus horarios en las categorías.


Adjunto Captura:




Supongo que te refieres a lo que te muestro en la captura.


En el override del CategoryController que has realizado añade dos funciones:

Funcion Mostrar Tiendas:

public function mostrarTienda() {
		$stores = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
		SELECT s.*, cl.name country, st.iso_code state
		FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'store s
		'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('store', 's').'
		LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang cl ON (cl.id_country = s.id_country)
		LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'state st ON (st.id_state = s.id_state)
		WHERE s.active = 1 AND cl.id_lang = '.(int)$this->context->language->id);
		 $addresses_formated = array();
		 foreach ($stores as &$store) {
            $address = new Address();
            $address->country = Country::getNameById($this->context->language->id, $store['id_country']);
            $address->address1 = $store['address1'];
            $address->address2 = $store['address2'];
            $address->postcode = $store['postcode'];
            $address->city = $store['city'];

            $addresses_formated[$store['id_store']] = AddressFormat::getFormattedLayoutData($address);

            if ($working_hours = $this->renderStoreWorkingHours($store)) {
                $store['working_hours'] = $working_hours;

            'stores' => $stores,
            'addresses_formated' => $addresses_formated,

Funcion Obtener horarios de las tiendas:

	 public function renderStoreWorkingHours($store)
        global $smarty;

        $days[1] = 'Monday';
        $days[2] = 'Tuesday';
        $days[3] = 'Wednesday';
        $days[4] = 'Thursday';
        $days[5] = 'Friday';
        $days[6] = 'Saturday';
        $days[7] = 'Sunday';

        $days_datas = array();
        $hours = array();

        if ($store['hours']) {
            $hours = Tools::unSerialize($store['hours']);
            if (is_array($hours)) {
                $hours = array_filter($hours);

        if (!empty($hours)) {
            for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
                if (isset($hours[(int)$i - 1])) {
                    $hours_datas = array();
                    $hours_datas['hours'] = $hours[(int)$i - 1];
                    $hours_datas['day'] = $days[$i];
                    $days_datas[] = $hours_datas;
            $smarty->assign('days_datas', $days_datas);
            $smarty->assign('id_country', $store['id_country']);
            return $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'store_infos.tpl');
        return false;

Y luego dentro de la función:

   public function initContent()





Luego en el fichero:


Para mostrar los datos de la tienda, añadimos:

<table class="table table-bordered">
                    <th class="name">{l s='Store name'}</th>
                    <th class="address">{l s='Store address'}</th>
                    <th class="store-hours">{l s='Working hours'}</th>
			{foreach $stores as $store}
				<tr class="store-small">
					<td class="name">
		            <td class="address">
		            {assign value=$store.id_store var="id_store"}
		            {foreach from=$addresses_formated.$id_store.ordered name=adr_loop item=pattern}
	                    {assign var=addressKey value=" "|explode:$pattern}
	                    {foreach from=$addressKey item=key name="word_loop"}
	                        <span {if isset($addresses_style[$key])} class="{$addresses_style[$key]}"{/if}>
						{if $store.phone}<br/>{l s='Phone:'} {$store.phone|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.fax}<br/>{l s='Fax:'} {$store.fax|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.email}<br/>{l s='Email:'} {$store.email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.note}<br/><br/>{$store.note|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|nl2br}{/if}
		            <td class="store-hours">
						{if isset($store.working_hours)}{$store.working_hours}{/if}

Y la pregunta es...


¿De donde he sacado este código? ¿Dioses mios?


En el controlador:


estaban esas dos funciones, simplemente las he reutilizado.


Y luego en el fichero:


Estaba parte del codigo del tpl que hemos pegado en el category.tpl (la parte que me interesaba)


Un saludo y feliz navidad.


Tutorial realizado bajo Prestashop 1.6

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Como solo vamos a obtener un resultado en la consulta vamos a usar Db::getInstance()->getRow y no Db::getInstance()->executeS


Función Mostrar Datos Tienda

public function mostrarTienda() {
		$store = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
		SELECT s.*, cl.name country, st.iso_code state
		FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'store s
		'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('store', 's').'
		LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang cl ON (cl.id_country = s.id_country)
		LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'state st ON (st.id_state = s.id_state)
		WHERE s.active = 1 AND s.id_store=1 and cl.id_lang = '.(int)$this->context->language->id);
			$addresses_formated = array();
            $address = new Address();
            $address->country = Country::getNameById($this->context->language->id, $store['id_country']);
            $address->address1 = $store['address1'];
            $address->address2 = $store['address2'];
            $address->postcode = $store['postcode'];
            $address->city = $store['city'];

            $addresses_formated[$store['id_store']] = AddressFormat::getFormattedLayoutData($address);

            if ($working_hours = $this->renderStoreWorkingHours($store)) {
                $store['working_hours'] = $working_hours;

            'store' => $store,
            'addresses_formated' => $addresses_formated,
Fijate que en:

AND s.id_store=1 
Hemos dicho que obtenga los datos de la tienda con ID 1


Tu tienes que colocar el ID del que quieres que se muestre:






Función Obtener Horarios (Sigue siendo lo mismo)

 public function renderStoreWorkingHours($store)
        global $smarty;

        $days[1] = 'Monday';
        $days[2] = 'Tuesday';
        $days[3] = 'Wednesday';
        $days[4] = 'Thursday';
        $days[5] = 'Friday';
        $days[6] = 'Saturday';
        $days[7] = 'Sunday';

        $days_datas = array();
        $hours = array();

        if ($store['hours']) {
            $hours = Tools::unSerialize($store['hours']);
            if (is_array($hours)) {
                $hours = array_filter($hours);

        if (!empty($hours)) {
            for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
                if (isset($hours[(int)$i - 1])) {
                    $hours_datas = array();
                    $hours_datas['hours'] = $hours[(int)$i - 1];
                    $hours_datas['day'] = $days[$i];
                    $days_datas[] = $hours_datas;
            $smarty->assign('days_datas', $days_datas);
            $smarty->assign('id_country', $store['id_country']);
            return $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'store_infos.tpl');
        return false;
Recuerda, ambas funciones iran copiadas en el override del categoryController que has creado.




El siguiente paso no varia de lo que te habia dicho de copiar esto:


en la función:

   public function initContent()

Siguiente Paso:


En el fichero:

Pegamos esto:

 <table class="table table-bordered">
                    <th class="name">{l s='Store name'}</th>
                    <th class="address">{l s='Store address'}</th>
                    <th class="store-hours">{l s='Working hours'}</th>
				<tr class="store-small">
					<td class="name">
		            <td class="address">
		            {assign value=$store.id_store var="id_store"}
		            {foreach from=$addresses_formated.$id_store.ordered name=adr_loop item=pattern}
	                    {assign var=addressKey value=" "|explode:$pattern}
	                    {foreach from=$addressKey item=key name="word_loop"}
	                        <span {if isset($addresses_style[$key])} class="{$addresses_style[$key]}"{/if}>
						{if $store.phone}<br/>{l s='Phone:'} {$store.phone|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.fax}<br/>{l s='Fax:'} {$store.fax|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.email}<br/>{l s='Email:'} {$store.email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.note}<br/><br/>{$store.note|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|nl2br}{/if}
		            <td class="store-hours">
						{if isset($store.working_hours)}{$store.working_hours}{/if}
Si queremos que solo se vea en la categoría con ID 40, podemos por ejemplo en el TPL, en la parte del código que hemos pegado hacer:

{if  $category->id=='10'} 

Contenido de las tiendas



PD: El código del TPL funciona, pero me da que sobra algun foreach, pero bueno funcionar funciona, y es muy tarde y tengo sueño.


Suerte shur !

Edited by nadie (see edit history)
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