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SQL manager @id_lang := 1 AS id_lang,

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Je souhaite ajouter des variables à une requete SQL (qui marche via phpmyadmin)

SET @id_shop = 1;
SET @id_lang = 1;
SET @domain = 'http://test.com';

J'ai overridé la classe RequestSql.php pour accepter le mot clef SET

class RequestSql extends RequestSqlCore
	/** @var array : List of params to tested */
    public $tested = array(
        'required' => array('SELECT', 'FROM'),
        'option' => array('WHERE', 'ORDER', 'LIMIT', 'HAVING', 'GROUP', 'UNION'),
        'operator' => array(
            'AND', '&&', 'BETWEEN', 'AND', 'BINARY', '&', '~', '|', '^', 'CASE', 'WHEN', 'END', 'DIV', '/', '<=>', '=', '>=',
            '>', 'IS', 'NOT', 'NULL', '<<', '<=', '<', 'LIKE', '-', '%', '!=', '<>', 'REGEXP', '!', '||', 'OR', '+', '>>', 'RLIKE', 'SOUNDS', '*',
            '-', 'XOR', 'IN'
        'function' => array(
            'GROUP_CONCAT', 'BIT_AND', 'BIT_OR', 'BIT_XOR'
        'unauthorized' => array(


ma requete est:

SET @id_shop = 1;
SET @id_lang = 1;
SET @domain = 'http://test.com';

p.id_product AS ID,
pl.name AS Nom,
pl.link_rewrite AS Link_rewrite, 
pl.description_short AS Desc_short, 
pl.description AS Desc_long, 
pl.meta_title AS Meta_title, 
pl.meta_keywords AS Meta_keyword, 
pl.meta_description AS Meta_desc,
p.reference AS Ref,
cl.id_category AS ID_Category,
cl.name AS Category_defaut,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(cl.name) SEPARATOR ",") AS Categories_name,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(c.id_category) SEPARATOR ",") AS Categories_id,
    when length(im.id_image)=6 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=5 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=4 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=3 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=2 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=1 then
    else ''
    end) SEPARATOR ",") AS `Images`,
ml.`meta_title` AS `Marque`,
ml.`id_manufacturer` AS `Marque_ID`,
p.`price` AS `Prix`,
pshop.`id_tax_rules_group` AS `ID_tax_group`,
pshop.`on_sale` AS `On_sale`,
psp.`reduction` AS `reduction`,
psp.`reduction_tax` AS `tax_reduction`,
psp.`reduction_type` AS `type_reduction`,
psp.`from` AS `date_dbt_reduc`,
psp.`to` AS `date_fin_reduc`,
sa.`active` AS `Active`,
p.`ean13` AS `EAN13`,
p.`upc` AS 'UPC',
sav.`quantity` AS `Quantity`,
p.`visibility` AS `Visibility`, 
p.`indexed` AS `Indexed`, 
MAX(image_shop.id_image) id_image,
concat(pl.`link_rewrite`,'-',p.`id_product`,'.html')  AS `URL_google`,
concat(@domain,pl.`link_rewrite`,'-',p.`id_product`,'.html') AS `Produit_URL`,
    when length(im.`id_image`)=6 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=5 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=4 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=3 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=2 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=1 then
    else ''
    end AS URL_IMG_1

FROM pss_product p 

LEFT JOIN pss_product_shop ps ON (p.id_product = ps.id_product)
LEFT JOIN pss_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product AND pl.id_shop = @id_shop AND pl.id_lang = @id_lang)
LEFT JOIN pss_category_product cp ON (p.id_product = cp.id_product)
LEFT JOIN pss_category_lang cl ON (cp.id_category = cl.id_category ) 
LEFT JOIN pss_category c ON (cp.id_category = c.id_category)
LEFT JOIN pss_product_lang b ON (b.id_product = p.id_product AND b.id_lang = @id_lang AND b.id_shop = @id_shop) 
LEFT JOIN pss_image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product) 
LEFT JOIN pss_manufacturer_lang ml ON (p.id_manufacturer = ml.id_manufacturer AND ml.id_lang = @id_lang )
LEFT JOIN pss_stock_available sav ON (sav.id_product = p.id_product AND sav.id_product_attribute = 0 AND sav.id_shop_group = 0  AND sav.id_shop = @id_shop )  
LEFT JOIN pss_product_shop sa ON (p.id_product = sa.id_product AND sa.id_shop = @id_shop) 
LEFT JOIN pss_shop shop ON (shop.id_shop = @id_shop)
LEFT JOIN pss_specific_price psp ON (psp.id_product = p.id_product) 
LEFT JOIN pss_product_shop pshop ON (pshop.id_product = p.id_product) 
LEFT JOIN pss_image_shop image_shop ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.cover = 1 AND image_shop.id_shop = @id_shop) 
LEFT JOIN pss_product_download pd ON (pd.id_product = p.id_product) 
LEFT JOIN pss_image im on im.id_product= p.id_product

WHERE pl.id_lang = @id_lang AND ps.id_shop = @id_shop
GROUP BY p.id_product
ORDER BY p.id_product ASC 

J'obtiens une erreur: "Lorsque plusieurs tables sont utilisées, chaque attribut doit être référencé à l'une de ces tables."

ce serait génial de pouvoir utiliser cette requete via le bo de Prestashop, pouvez vous m'aider ?



Edited by Alexandre Carette (see edit history)
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