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Unable to logout and then made rash change

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I must be either daft or dangerous I can;t work out which.

I had a problem where I was logged into the Store as a customer i attempted to log out but the system would not log me out (I was also logged into a sister store on a subdomain through the same browser but different tab (Opera) - this logged out fine).

I closed the browser and still logged in, cleared cache - no luck, cleared cache/closed browser/rebooted PC again no luck)

I then decided that I was clever enough to tackle the database (Drupal sometimes has a similar problem and I just clear the sessions table to reset the system so I thought that Prestashop might operate in a similar way).

I figured that the following tables were related to active sessions and deleted all entries (the shop is still in development so not live):

ps_connections, ps_cart, ps_cart_product

This logged me out ok but no i cannot login (I notice that rather than reset to 1 in id_connections the system has remebered the last entry - I suspect that this is something to do with the problem but clearly am getting lost.

Could anyone please advise how this part of the system works so that I can repair the system 9and learn a useful lesson for when similar problem occur in production)


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