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PDF Invoice: Carrier not showing & trying to add category name

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Dear All


I just try to figure out how to setup the invoice to display the chosen carrier. Actually when I look at the files invoice.tpl (where "{$shipping_tab}" is being called) and invoice.shipping-tab.tpl (where "{$carrier->name}" is being called), everything is looking fine and nearly the same as for the invoice.payment-tab.tpl for example, except that inside the payment tab, a foreach loop is made cycling through the getOrderPaymentCollection()...


The only thing I could think of is that I might have to use some similar loop for the carrier (e.g. getOrderShipmentCollection() or whatever) to make it being displayed on the invoice.


Or do I have to enable this somewhere else?



I also try to add the name of the products category to the product name. As the category name of a product is the same as the manufacturer, I'm a little bit of in luck.
I printed the whole content of the "order_detail" array on an invoice and the manufacturer ID is in there ({*$order_detail|@print_r*}).. So now I only would have to convert the id to the manufacturers name. I thought of somehow being able to use $smarty->assign() somewhere to create an array with the ids and names to later on use a smarty foreach loop to replace ids with names, but cannot figure out where I should put this in. Maybe there's even a simpler solution, but I haven't found anything related on the web yet.


I also found "id_category_default" within the order_detail var, but this number is somehow not the same as the category ID displayed in the shop so I thought of going with the manufacturer_id.


Thank you for trying to help!

All the best,


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  • 1 year later...
On 15/03/2017 at 12:32 PM, oliiix said:

Dear All


I just try to figure out how to setup the invoice to display the chosen carrier. Actually when I look at the files invoice.tpl (where "{$shipping_tab}" is being called) and invoice.shipping-tab.tpl (where "{$carrier->name}" is being called), everything is looking fine and nearly the same as for the invoice.payment-tab.tpl for example, except that inside the payment tab, a foreach loop is made cycling through the getOrderPaymentCollection()...


The only thing I could think of is that I might have to use some similar loop for the carrier (e.g. getOrderShipmentCollection() or whatever) to make it being displayed on the invoice.


Or do I have to enable this somewhere else?



I also try to add the name of the products category to the product name. As the category name of a product is the same as the manufacturer, I'm a little bit of in luck.
I printed the whole content of the "order_detail" array on an invoice and the manufacturer ID is in there ({*$order_detail|@print_r*}).. So now I only would have to convert the id to the manufacturers name. I thought of somehow being able to use $smarty->assign() somewhere to create an array with the ids and names to later on use a smarty foreach loop to replace ids with names, but cannot figure out where I should put this in. Maybe there's even a simpler solution, but I haven't found anything related on the web yet.


I also found "id_category_default" within the order_detail var, but this number is somehow not the same as the category ID displayed in the shop so I thought of going with the manufacturer_id.


Thank you for trying to help!

All the best,



Some position here? I have the same problem with the carrier not appearing in the invoice PDF file. The stranger is, in my local machine (localhost), the carrier name appears in the PDF. I tried updating invoice.tpl and invoice.shipping-tab.tpl to the host server where is my website, but nothing changes. Acttualy the files were identical.

Is there someone to help us? Thanks!

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

the same issue here in November 2022 (

for some reason the content of //pdf/invoice.shipping-tab.tpl is not appearing in the final invoice.tpl

as a work around to add content (table) of invoice.shipping-tab.tpl into //pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl

Result of //pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl:

<table id="payment-tab" width="100%">
		<td class="payment center small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Payment Method' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</td>
		<td class="payment left white" width="56%">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
				{foreach from=$order_invoice->getOrderPaymentCollection() item=payment}
						<td class="right small">{$payment->payment_method}</td>
						<td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount}</td>
  <td colspan="12" height="10">&nbsp;</td>
<table id="shipping-tab" width="100%">
		<td class="shipping center small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Carrier' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</td>
		<td class="shipping center small white" width="56%">{$carrier->name}</td>


Edited by Yulia Vitun (see edit history)
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