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URGENTE! Error en variacion de precios con product.js


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Buenas! Llevaba ya tiempo sin publicar nada, pero al final ha tocado acudir a vosotros nuevamente.

Tengo el problema que indico arriba.. En los productos con combinaciones, me marca un precio distinto en la ficha del producto. realmente no se que relacion tiene, ya que a cada uno le varia el precio de forma distinta.. Comentar que solo me sucede con un grupo de clientes que he creado, el cual tiene un descuento (en todo el catalogo) del 20%

Estoy seguro que es en el product.js, ya que nada más cargar la web aparece el precio correcto, pero al cabo de 0,x segundos cambia. además, en lista de productos aparece el precio correcto, y cuando lo añades al carrito también, pero en la pagina del producto aparece un precio distinto....

Pasa exactamente igual que con el problema que hubo que aparecian los precios a cero, y aquello fue "facil" de solucionar, pero aquí, con plantilla distinta (no es la plantilla por defecto) me esta resultando imposible..

He probado a poner la moneda € con tipo de cambio 1, pero ya estaba hecho. También he comparado la información/configuración del grupo por defecto y el creado por mi y son exactamente identicos.

la web es perfectnutrition.es que ahora mismo está utilizando el archivo de la plantilla por defecto, ya que me muestra bien los precios pero no funciona correctamente las imagenes (no se amplian, ni cambian al pasar por encima de las miniaturas. Si haces clic se abre la imagen, pero en otra pestaña, ...) además de (por ejemplo) elegir el sabor fresa, y añadirme al carrito el que está por defecto.

espero me puedan ayudar si saben de donde puede ser... os dejo el archivo completo de product.js que hay que encontrar donde viene el fallo..

* 2007-2014 PrestaShop
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* @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
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//global variables
var selectedCombination = [];
var globalQuantity = 0;
var colors = [];

if (typeof customizationFields !== 'undefined' && customizationFields)
var customizationFieldsBk = customizationFields;
customizationFields = [];
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < customizationFieldsBk.length; ++i)
var key = 'pictures_' + parseInt(id_product) + '_' + parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['id_customization_field']);
customizationFields[i] = [];
customizationFields[i][0] = (parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['type']) == 0) ? 'img' + i : 'textField' + j++;
customizationFields[i][1] = (parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['type']) == 0 && customizationFieldsBk[i][key]) ? 2 : parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['required']);

if (typeof combinationImages !== 'undefined' && combinationImages)
combinationImagesJS = [];
combinationImagesJS[0] = [];
var k = 0;
for (var i in combinationImages)
combinationImagesJS[i] = [];
for (var j in combinationImages[i])
var id_image = parseInt(combinationImages[i][j]['id_image']);
if (id_image)
combinationImagesJS[0][k++] = id_image;
combinationImagesJS[i][j] = [];
combinationImagesJS[i][j] = id_image;

if (typeof combinationImagesJS[0] !== 'undefined' && combinationImagesJS[0])
var array_values = [];
for (var key in arrayUnique(combinationImagesJS[0]))
combinationImagesJS[0] = array_values;
combinationImages = combinationImagesJS;

if (typeof combinations !== 'undefined' && combinations)
combinationsJS = [];
var k = 0;
for (var i in combinations)
globalQuantity += combinations[i]['quantity'];
combinationsJS[k] = [];
combinationsJS[k]['idCombination'] = parseInt(i);
combinationsJS[k]['idsAttributes'] = combinations[i]['attributes'];
combinationsJS[k]['quantity'] = combinations[i]['quantity'];
combinationsJS[k]['price'] = combinations[i]['price'];
combinationsJS[k]['ecotax'] = combinations[i]['ecotax'];
combinationsJS[k]['image'] = parseInt(combinations[i]['id_image']);
combinationsJS[k]['reference'] = combinations[i]['reference'];
combinationsJS[k]['unit_price'] = combinations[i]['unit_impact'];
combinationsJS[k]['minimal_quantity'] = parseInt(combinations[i]['minimal_quantity']);

combinationsJS[k]['available_date'] = [];
combinationsJS[k]['available_date']['date'] = combinations[i]['available_date'];
combinationsJS[k]['available_date']['date_formatted'] = combinations[i]['date_formatted'];

combinationsJS[k]['specific_price'] = [];
combinationsJS[k]['specific_price']['reduction_percent'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] == 'percentage') ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] * 100 : 0;
combinationsJS[k]['specific_price']['reduction_price'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] == 'amount') ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] : 0;
combinationsJS[k]['price'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['price'] && parseInt(combinations[i]['specific_price']['price']) != -1) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['price'] : combinations[i]['price'];

combinationsJS[k]['reduction_type'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type']) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] : '';
combinationsJS[k]['id_product_attribute'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['id_product_attribute']) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['id_product_attribute'] : 0;
combinations = combinationsJS;

//init the serialScroll for thumbs
step: 2,
lazy: true,
lock: false,

$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 1);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);

//hover 'other views' images management
$('#views_block li a').hover(

//set jqZoom parameters if needed
if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)
zoomType: 'innerzoom', //innerzoom/standard/reverse/drag
zoomWidth: 458, //zooming div default width(default width value is 200)
zoomHeight: 458, //zooming div default width(default height value is 200)
xOffset: 21, //zooming div default offset(default offset value is 10)
yOffset: 0,
title: false
//add a link on the span 'view full size' and on the big image
$(document).on('click', '#view_full_size, #image-block', function(e){
$('#views_block .shown').click();

//catch the click on the "more infos" button at the top of the page
$(document).on('click', '#short_description_block .button', function(e){
$.scrollTo( '#more_info_tabs', 1200 );

// Hide the customization submit button and display some message
$(document).on('click', '#customizedDatas input', function(e){
$('#customizedDatas input').hide();

original_url = window.location + '';
first_url_check = true;
var url_found = checkUrl();

//init the price in relation of the selected attributes
if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && productHasAttributes && !url_found)
else if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && !productHasAttributes && !url_found)

$(document).on('click', 'a[name=resetImages]', function(e){

$(document).on('click', '.color_pick', function(e){

$(document).on('change', '.attribute_select', function(e){

$(document).on('click', '.attribute_radio', function(e){

$(document).on('click', 'button[name=saveCustomization]', function(e){

if (contentOnly == false)
if (!!$.prototype.fancybox)
$('li:visible .fancybox, .fancybox.shown').fancybox({
'hideOnContentClick': true,
'openEffect' : 'elastic',
'closeEffect' : 'elastic'
$(document).on('click', '.fancybox', function(e){

$(document).on('click', '#image-block', function(e){
var productUrl = window.document.location.href + '';
var data = productUrl.replace('content_only=1', '');
window.parent.document.location.href = data;

if (typeof ajax_allowed != 'undefined' && !ajax_allowed)
$('#buy_block').attr('target', '_top');

if (!!$.prototype.bxSlider)
minSlides: 1,
maxSlides: 6,
slideWidth: 182,
slideMargin: 29,
pager: false,
nextText: '',
prevText: '',
hideControlOnEnd: true

// The button to increment the product value
$(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_up', function(e){
fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name='+fieldName+']').val());
if (quantityAvailable > 0)
quantityAvailableT = quantityAvailable;
quantityAvailableT = 100000000;
if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal < quantityAvailableT)
$('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(currentVal + 1).trigger('keyup');
// The button to decrement the product value
$(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_down', function(e){
fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name='+fieldName+']').val());
if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal > 1)
$('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(currentVal - 1).trigger('keyup');

if (typeof minimalQuantity != 'undefined' && minimalQuantity)
$(document).on('keyup', 'input[name=qty]', function(e){

if (typeof ad !== 'undefined' && ad && typeof adtoken !== 'undefined' && adtoken)
$(document).on('click', 'input[name=publish_button]', function(e){
submitPublishProduct(ad, 0, adtoken);
$(document).on('click', 'input[name=lnk_view]', function(e){
submitPublishProduct(ad, 1, adtoken);

function arrayUnique(a)
return a.reduce(function(p, c){
if (p.indexOf(c) < 0)
return p;
}, []);

//check if a function exists
function function_exists(function_name)
if (typeof function_name == 'string')
return (typeof window[function_name] == 'function');
return (function_name instanceof Function);

//execute oosHook js code
function oosHookJsCode()
for (var i = 0; i < oosHookJsCodeFunctions.length; i++)
if (function_exists(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i]))
setTimeout(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i] + '()', 0);

//add a combination of attributes in the global JS sytem
function addCombination(idCombination, arrayOfIdAttributes, quantity, price, ecotax, id_image, reference, unit_price, minimal_quantity, available_date, combination_specific_price)
globalQuantity += quantity;

var combination = [];
combination['idCombination'] = idCombination;
combination['quantity'] = quantity;
combination['idsAttributes'] = arrayOfIdAttributes;
combination['price'] = price;
combination['ecotax'] = ecotax;
combination['image'] = id_image;
combination['reference'] = reference;
combination['unit_price'] = unit_price;
combination['minimal_quantity'] = minimal_quantity;
combination['available_date'] = [];
combination['available_date'] = available_date;
combination['specific_price'] = [];
combination['specific_price'] = combination_specific_price;

// search the combinations' case of attributes and update displaying of availability, prices, ecotax, and image
function findCombination(firstTime)
if (typeof $('#minimal_quantity_label').text() === 'undefined' || $('#minimal_quantity_label').html() > 1)

//create a temporary 'choice' array containing the choices of the customer
var choice = [];
var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length);
if (radio_inputs)
radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]';
radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked';

$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){

if (typeof combinations == 'undefined' || !combinations)
combinations = [];
//testing every combination to find the conbination's attributes' case of the user
for (var combination = 0; combination < combinations.length; ++combination)
//verify if this combinaison is the same that the user's choice
var combinationMatchForm = true;
$.each(combinations[combination]['idsAttributes'], function(key, value)
if (!in_array(parseInt(value), choice))
combinationMatchForm = false;

if (combinationMatchForm)
if (combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'] > 1)
$('#quantity_wanted').bind('keyup', function() {checkMinimalQuantity(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity']);});
//combination of the user has been found in our specifications of combinations (created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = false;
selectedCombination['reference'] = combinations[combination]['reference'];

//get the data of product with these attributes
quantityAvailable = combinations[combination]['quantity'];
selectedCombination['price'] = combinations[combination]['price'];
selectedCombination['unit_price'] = combinations[combination]['unit_price'];
selectedCombination['specific_price'] = combinations[combination]['specific_price'];
if (combinations[combination]['ecotax'])
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = combinations[combination]['ecotax'];
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = default_eco_tax;

//show the large image in relation to the selected combination
if (combinations[combination]['image'] && combinations[combination]['image'] != -1)
displayImage($('#thumb_' + combinations[combination]['image']).parent());

//show discounts values according to the selected combination
if (combinations[combination]['idCombination'] && combinations[combination]['idCombination'] > 0)

//get available_date for combination product
selectedCombination['available_date'] = combinations[combination]['available_date'];

//update the display

if(typeof(firstTime) != 'undefined' && firstTime)
//leave the function because combination has been found
//this combination doesn't exist (not created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = true;
if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) != 'undefined')
delete selectedCombination['available_date'];

//update display of the availability of the product AND the prices of the product
function updateDisplay()
var productPriceDisplay = productPrice;
var productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay = productPriceWithoutReduction;

if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && quantityAvailable > 0 && productAvailableForOrder == 1)
//show the choice of quantities

//show the "add to cart" button ONLY if it was hidden

//hide the hook out of stock


//availability value management
if (availableNowValue != '')
//update the availability statut of the product
if(stock_management == 1)

//'last quantities' message management
if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)
if (quantityAvailable <= maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage)

if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed)

if (quantityAvailable < 2) // we have 1 or less product in stock and need to show "item" instead of "items"
//show the hook out of stock
if (productAvailableForOrder == 1)
if ($('#oosHook').length > 0 && function_exists('oosHookJsCode'))

//hide 'last quantities' message if it was previously visible

//hide the quantity of pieces if it was previously visible

//hide the choice of quantities
if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)

//display that the product is unavailable with theses attributes
if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'])
$('#availability_value').text(doesntExistNoMore + (globalQuantity > 0 ? ' ' + doesntExistNoMoreBut : ''));
if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)
if(stock_management == 1 && !allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)

if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) != 'undefined' && selectedCombination['available_date']['date'].length != 0)
var available_date = selectedCombination['available_date']['date'];
var tab_date = available_date.split('-');
var time_available = new Date(tab_date[0], tab_date[1], tab_date[2]);
var now = new Date();
if (now.getTime() < time_available.getTime() && $('#availability_date_value').text() != selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted'])
$('#availability_date').fadeOut('normal', function(){
else if(now.getTime() < time_available.getTime())

//show the 'add to cart' button ONLY IF it's possible to buy when out of stock AND if it was previously invisible
if (allowBuyWhenOutOfStock && !selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productAvailableForOrder == 1)

if (availableLaterValue != '')
if(stock_management == 1)
if(stock_management == 1)

if (productAvailableForOrder == 0)

if (selectedCombination['reference'] || productReference)
if (selectedCombination['reference'])
$('#product_reference span').text(selectedCombination['reference']);
else if (productReference)
$('#product_reference span').text(productReference);

// If we have combinations, update price section: amounts, currency, discount amounts,...
if (productHasAttributes)

function updatePrice()
// Get combination prices
combID = $('#idCombination').val();
combination = combinationsFromController[combID];
if (typeof combination == 'undefined')

// Set product (not the combination) base price
var basePriceWithoutTax = productBasePriceTaxExcl;
var priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax = 0;

// Apply combination price impact
// 0 by default, +x if price is inscreased, -x if price is decreased
basePriceWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax + combination.price;

// If a specific price redefine the combination base price
if (combination.specific_price && combination.specific_price.price > 0)
basePriceWithoutTax = combination.specific_price.price;

// Apply group reduction
priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax * (1 - group_reduction);
var priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax;

// Apply Tax if necessary
if (noTaxForThisProduct || customerGroupWithoutTax)
basePriceDisplay = basePriceWithoutTax;
priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax;
basePriceDisplay = basePriceWithoutTax * (taxRate/100 + 1);
priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax * (taxRate/100 + 1);


if (default_eco_tax)
// combination.ecotax doesn't modify the price but only the display
basePriceDisplay = basePriceDisplay + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100);
priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsDisplay + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100);

// Apply specific price (discount)
// Note: Reduction amounts are given after tax
if (combination.specific_price && combination.specific_price.reduction > 0)
if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount')
priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsDisplay - combination.specific_price.reduction;
// We recalculate the price without tax in order to keep the data consistency
priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithDiscountsDisplay * ( 1/(1+taxRate) / 100 );
else if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'percentage')
priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsDisplay * (1 - combination.specific_price.reduction);
// We recalculate the price without tax in order to keep the data consistency
priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithDiscountsDisplay * ( 1/(1+taxRate) / 100 );

// Compute discount value and percentage
// Done just before display update so we have final prices
if (basePriceDisplay != priceWithDiscountsDisplay)
var discountValue = basePriceDisplay - priceWithDiscountsDisplay;
var discountPercentage = (1-(priceWithDiscountsDisplay/basePriceDisplay))*100;

/* Update the page content, no price calculation happens after */

// Hide everything then show what needs to be shown

$('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(priceWithDiscountsDisplay * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

// If the calculated price (after all discounts) is different than the base price
// we show the old price striked through
if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay.toFixed(2) != basePriceDisplay.toFixed(2))
$('#old_price_display').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

// Then if it's not only a group reduction we display the discount in red box
if (priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax != priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax)
if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount')
$('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(parseFloat(discountValue), currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
$('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(0) + '%');

// Green Tax (Eco tax)
// Update display of Green Tax
if (default_eco_tax)
ecotax = default_eco_tax;

// If the default product ecotax is overridden by the combination
if (combination.ecotax)
ecotax = combination.ecotax;

if (!noTaxForThisProduct)
ecotax = ecotax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate/100)

$('#ecotax_price_display').text(formatCurrency(ecotax * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

// Unit price are the price per piece, per Kg, per m²
// It doesn't modify the price, it's only for display
if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0)
unit_price = priceWithDiscountsDisplay / productUnitPriceRatio;
$('#unit_price_display').text(formatCurrency(unit_price * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

// If there is a quantity discount table,
// we update it according to the new price


//update display of the large image
function displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb, no_animation)
if (typeof(no_animation) == 'undefined')
no_animation = false;
if (domAAroundImgThumb.prop('href'))
var new_src = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href').replace('thickbox', 'large');
var new_title = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('title');
var new_href = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href');
if ($('#bigpic').prop('src') != new_src)
'src' : new_src,
'alt' : new_title,
'title' : new_title
if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)
$(this).attr('rel', new_href);
$('#views_block li a').removeClass('shown');

//update display of the discounts table
function displayDiscounts(combination)
$('#quantityDiscount tbody tr').each(function(){
if (($(this).attr('id') != 'quantityDiscount_0') &&
($(this).attr('id') != 'quantityDiscount_' + combination) &&
($(this).attr('id') != 'noQuantityDiscount'))

if ($('#quantityDiscount_' + combination+',.quantityDiscount_' + combination).length != 0
|| $('#quantityDiscount_0,.quantityDiscount_0').length != 0)
$('#quantityDiscount_' + combination+',.quantityDiscount_' + combination).show();

function updateDiscountTable(newPrice)
$('#quantityDiscount tbody tr').each(function(){
var type = $(this).data("discount-type");
var discount = $(this).data("discount");
var quantity = $(this).data("discount-quantity");

if (type == 'percentage')
var discountedPrice = newPrice * (1 - discount/100);
var discountUpTo = newPrice * (discount/100) * quantity;
else if (type == 'amount')
var discountedPrice = newPrice - discount;
var discountUpTo = discount * quantity;

if (displayDiscountPrice != 0)
$(this).children('td').eq(1).text( formatCurrency(discountedPrice, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank) );
$(this).children('td').eq(2).text(upToTxt + ' ' + formatCurrency(discountUpTo, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

// Serialscroll exclude option bug ?
function serialScrollFixLock(event, targeted, scrolled, items, position)
serialScrollNbImages = $('#thumbs_list li:visible').length;
serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 4;

var leftArrow = position == 0 ? true : false;
var rightArrow = position + serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed >= serialScrollNbImages ? true : false;

$('#view_scroll_left').css('cursor', leftArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').css('display', leftArrow ? 'none' : 'block').fadeTo(0, leftArrow ? 0 : 1);
$('#view_scroll_right').css('cursor', rightArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').fadeTo(0, rightArrow ? 0 : 1).css('display', rightArrow ? 'none' : 'block');
return true;

// Change the current product images regarding the combination selected
function refreshProductImages(id_product_attribute)
$('#thumbs_list_frame').scrollTo('li:eq(0)', 700, {axis:'x'});

id_product_attribute = parseInt(id_product_attribute);

if (id_product_attribute > 0 && typeof(combinationImages) != 'undefined' && typeof(combinationImages[id_product_attribute]) != 'undefined')
$('#thumbs_list li').hide();
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);
for (var i = 0; i < combinationImages[id_product_attribute].length; i++)
if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)
$('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show().children('a.shown').trigger('click');
$('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show();
$('#thumbs_list li').show();

if (parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li:visible').length) != parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length))
$('#wrapResetImages').stop(true, true).show();
$('#wrapResetImages').stop(true, true).hide();

marginType = 'marginRight';
if($('html').hasClass('rtl')) marginType = 'marginLeft';

var thumb_width = $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').width() + parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').css(marginType));
$('#thumbs_list_frame').width((parseInt((thumb_width) * $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length)) + 'px');
$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);
serialScrollFixLock('', '', '', '', 0);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?

function saveCustomization()
customAction = $('#customizationForm').attr('action');
$('body select[id^="group_"]').each(function() {
customAction = customAction.replace(new RegExp(this.id + '=\\d+'), this.id +'=' + this.value);
$('#customizationForm').attr('action', customAction);

function submitPublishProduct(url, redirect, token)
var id_product = $('#admin-action-product-id').val();

$.ajaxSetup({async: false});
$.post(url + '/index.php', {
id_product: id_product,
status: 1,
redirect: redirect,
ajax: 1,
tab: 'AdminProducts',
token: token
if (data.indexOf('error') === -1)
document.location.href = data;
return true;

function checkMinimalQuantity(minimal_quantity)
if ($('#quantity_wanted').val() < minimal_quantity)
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid red');
$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', 'red');
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid #BDC2C9');
$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', '#374853');

function colorPickerClick(elt)
id_attribute = $(elt).attr('id').replace('color_', '');
$(elt).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){
$(this).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){
$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){

function getProductAttribute()
// get product attribute id
product_attribute_id = $('#idCombination').val();
product_id = $('#product_page_product_id').val();

// get every attributes values
request = '';
//create a temporary 'tab_attributes' array containing the choices of the customer
var tab_attributes = [];
var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length);
if (radio_inputs)
radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]';
radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked';

$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){

// build new request
for (var i in attributesCombinations)
for (var a in tab_attributes)
if (attributesCombinations[i]['id_attribute'] === tab_attributes[a])
request += '/'+attributesCombinations[i]['group'] + attribute_anchor_separator + attributesCombinations[i]['attribute'];
request = request.replace(request.substring(0, 1), '#/');
url = window.location + '';

// redirection
if (url.indexOf('#') != -1)
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));

// set ipa to the customization form
$('#customizationForm').attr('action', $('#customizationForm').attr('action') + request);
window.location = url + request;

function initLocationChange(time)
if(!time) time = 500;
setInterval(checkUrl, time);

function checkUrl()
if (original_url != window.location || first_url_check)
first_url_check = false;
url = window.location + '';
// if we need to load a specific combination
if (url.indexOf('#/') != -1)
// get the params to fill from a "normal" url
params = url.substring(url.indexOf('#') + 1, url.length);
tabParams = params.split('/');
tabValues = [];
if (tabParams[0] == '')
for (var i in tabParams)
product_id = $('#product_page_product_id').val();
// fill html with values
count = 0;
for (var z in tabValues)
for (var a in attributesCombinations)
if (attributesCombinations[a]['group'] === decodeURIComponent(tabValues[z][0])
&& attributesCombinations[a]['attribute'] === decodeURIComponent(tabValues[z][1]))
// add class 'selected' to the selected color
$('#color_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']).addClass('selected');
$('#color_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']).parent().addClass('selected');
$('input:radio[value=' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute'] + ']').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=hidden][name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']);
$('select[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']);
// find combination
if (count >= 0)
original_url = url;
return true;
// no combination found = removing attributes from url
window.location = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));
return false;

espero vuestra ayuda Por favor!! Edited by smash.imq (see edit history)
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