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Different Shipping Cost by Products / Categories

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Hi I've got a problem I wasn't able to resolve. I'm using prestashop 1.5.5.

I can't use shipping by price or weight, instead I need to use different shipping prices for different categories.


This is the case:

Category A: shipping cost is €5

Any other Category: Shipping cost is €9


If the customer is buying only Category A products the shipping cost to be apply is €5

In any other case shipping cost to be apply is €9


I've created a Catalog Price Rule but this doesn't work because this apply a discount to the products not to the shipping cost.

Neither a Basket Rule works, because in this case the rule will be applied if at least a Category A product is bought, even if the customer bought other products in other categories with the other shipping price to be apllied.


I've also tried to create to Carriers.

Carrier A --> Shipping Cost €5

Carrier B --> Shipping Cost €9


Category A products: I've enable Carriers A and B

Other categories: I've enable only Carriers B


If someone buys a Category A product and other Category product the shipping cost should be Carrier B, but it isn't...


Any ideas please? I really need help :-)


Many thanks,


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Have you considered creating two carriers and then using the "Carrier restrictions" on the "Shipping" tab of the product editor to restrict each product in the category to the €5 carrier? Customers couldn't mix products though. They'd have to create a separate order for products from category A and products from another category.

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