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How to create module for price comparison

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Hi developers, 


We need some tips on building a simple price comparison module because we're not able to find any on the market place that compare prices with other retailers. 


We're closing down our e-commerce store, so we would like to put it in catalog mode (so their is no more checkout or add to cart functions) but we want to keep all the products up on our website. 


We want to be able to manually add to each existing product the prices from our competitors websites (so it would be a price comparison for our visitors).


We will probably compare prices from about 5 different competitor retail websites and we will compare the prices manually for now, so no scraping etc.


So for example our website would have product: Black Phone. 


we can obviously in the back office add the prices manually in the description field for each retailer. 


eg it would look something like this on each product page ...


Product:  Black Phone


(retailers logo) Amazon: $20   (link to product on retailers website)

(retailers logo) Walmart: $25    (link to product on retailers website)

(retailers logo) Retailer 3: $30  (link to product on retailers website)

(retailers logo) Retailer 4: $40   (link to product on retailers website)



But if we did it manually like this it would be time consuming because in each product description i would have to add the logo manually, create a button with a link manually etc....



Question: So my question is, would it be easier and also possible to build (my developer would do it) a prestashop module that i could add 5-6 retailers with logos, so for each product i can select retailers, add theirs prices for that product and add a link leading to the retailers website that will display nicely in the front end? Would this be quite a simple build? I'm imagining it being very simple for our developer? (i havent asked him directly as hes a way on leave for the next 2 weeks). 

Many thanks for any help you can provide. 


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