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[PS] problem with invoice number (SOLVED)

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Hello Everybody,

I am a complete newbye for what concerns PrestShop - I've been working with it for less than two weeks - and I have a problem with the invoice numbers I am not able to solve.


My employer uses PrestShop module "ba_prestashop_invoice", which is configured to generate invoice numers looking like this: #FA[6-digit progressive number]/[year] (e.g. #FA000001/2007). Here it is a screenshot of the configuration module page (sorry, it is in Italian):




Now, I have two distinct problems:

  1. The invoices we generate do not follow the "counter"; the next invoice is not going to be #FA000024/2007 but #FA000998/2007 and I have absolutely no idea where that "998" comes from (I checked the "order_invoice" table and there is no record with a value >= 900 for the "number" column)
  2. Althougn in the back-end I can see the correct format for the invoice number (#FA[6-digit progressive number]/[year]) on the invoice PDF itself the invoice number is indicated just as #FA[6-digit progressive number] - without the /[year]

For the seconf issue I tried to modify the file "/modules/ba_prestashop_invoice/override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php" (ines 399-400), as follow:


$invoiceNumber=Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', $id_lang, null, (int)$this->order->id_shop)
    .sprintf('%06d', $this->order_invoice->number);
$invoiceNumber=Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', $id_lang, null, (int)$this->order->id_shop)
    .sprintf('%06d', $this->order_invoice->number)
    .sprintf('/', date('Y', strtotime($this->order_invoice->date_add)));
Can anybody help me, please?
Thank you very much for yourt kind attention and apologies for the long post.
Edited by saverio.cannilla (see edit history)
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