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Can't set Products to many categories


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Using the upgrade module I tried to upgrade from 1.6 and it failed.  (Since it got stuck in Maintenance mode...)  Again when I self installed, it again failed.  (Side note: I have over 100,000 files -outside PS- that don't need backup, 1-click-upgrade take hours to back them up.)

So I decided to erase all files and install fresh, this issue relates to this version.


Upon creating a new product it saves OK when I add it to the Home (tier1) category and a tier2 category.  But if I create a product and try to associate it to Home category, a trier2 category and a tier3 category, it fails!


(Eg. Tier1 would be 'Home'; a tier2 would be 'Footwear'; a tier3 would be 'Men's runners'.  Other tier2 categories may be 'Summer dresses', 'Accessories', etc.)


Additionally I set each product to a tier2 category as the default/main category.


How can I add a product to many categories?

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First of all, I would consider leaping from a version < 1.6 to 1.7 directly quite hard.


Second, I would advise you sticking to 1.6 for the moment. 1.7 still have a fair amount of bugs and lacks a bit of feature that you could enjoy on 1.6


All that being said : If you have a backup on your server, you can turn off the 1-click-upgrade backup. That will save you quite a time in the update.


What I usually do : Make a complete backup on my server administration panel, switch 1-click-upgrade backup off. Then I upgrade. If things goes wrong, I retrieve my backup from my server administration panel.


Also, I usually do the upgrade on a clone of my application.



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