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get.id_product on submit


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Is there a way to attach get.id_product on a submit button? I have this module that's made to work from a button which opens a form. But i need the form to be displayed all the time. The form is called from another .tpl

{l s='Cerere de oferta' mod='cereoferta'}

And i have to somehow call it when the main .tpl is shown, or integrate it in that .tpl :(. Cause right now the form shows on page, but has no functionality.

cereoferta-form.php looks like this:



$cereoferta = new cereoferta();
echo $cereoferta->displayFrontForm();



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Nevermind, insted of

form action="$request_uri"

i just put

form action="{$this_path}cereoferta-form.php?id_product={$smarty.get.id_product}"

and it works, only that when it errors and after submit it takes me out of the product's page, but i'll solve that somehow.

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