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Products in same Category - same image to all the products

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I have this issue.


In the Products in the same category tab, it appears the same image. When I click on it, it goes to the product that appears in that image.

The name and price of the product are ok, and their links too. (see attach)

The website is www.aresromania.ro/online

How do I solve this?



Edited by demigod (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

This is super late but I was looking for a solution, found your post, and figured it out. For me at least, it was a caching issue.


Go to "Advanced Parameters > Performance" and go the "CCC (COMBINE, COMPRESS AND CACHE)" options and disable "Apache Optimization". Once thats done, go to the top of the Performance configurations and clear the cache.

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