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Errore 500 internal server


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Hello, i have the error 500 internal server somethimes, i tried to put the DEV mode and press f5 for show it and this is the error:


Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file /homepages/45/d624721413/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/Enotecacostantini/cache/smarty/cache/socialsharing_header/5694/3/3/10/bd/c6/59/wrt58385b53147d80_66130136 <-- thrown in /homepages/45/d624721413/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/Enotecacostantini/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46


When i switch the friendly URL button the site working immediatly, maybe because the htacces is regenerate. Can someone help me? thanks

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Ah, ok, sorry, my bad. Could you share with us screenshot from your Advanced Preferences -> Performance page? Especially section where you have settings related to Smarty cache. You can try to write your cache into MySQL database but it's not a real solution. I remember that Smarty has a bug while writing a cache files and sometimes it tries to save same file over and over again.

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Ah, ok, sorry, my bad. Could you share with us screenshot from your Advanced Preferences -> Performance page? Especially section where you have settings related to Smarty cache. You can try to write your cache into MySQL database but it's not a real solution. I remember that Smarty has a bug while writing a cache files and sometimes it tries to save same file over and over again.

can be a file permission wrong value? 

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