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My Home Page Is Distorted By Images featured on the Home Page not "Wrapping" correctly to the next row.

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The Homepage on my website at http://www.condomsquare.com/ is distorted because images on the home page are not "wrapping" correctly to the next row.

I am in need of URGENT assistance to solve the above issue, which has caused my homepage to be disconfigured.
The home page using an image size (automatic) of 129 x 129 pixels can only show 4 images correctly without distorting the home page. If you look at my home page, the first line of images are 5 (FIVE - pls scroll down on the home page) - which has caused my home page to distort. I would ideally like to place 8 images (my default set in modules or appearance) set along 2 rows on my home page, however, each time reach 6 or more images, the home page is distorted, whereas if I stopped at 5 images only, it fifth image is wrapped correctly to the next row.

Can you help? Thank you in advance- A bientot!

Desperate in London - http://www.condomsquare.com/

P.S. By the way, PRESTASHOP is a SUPERB and EXCELLENT software.

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