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remove update quantities in card

The Web Fanatics

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I am developping a Prestashop webshop for a client of ours, and I run into a little bump here.



Visitor sees product (comes in 1/3/5 units) and adds 3 units via the dropdown in his card. He realizes he wants another 3 units and adds those to the card as well. Now in the checkout, these units are being added up to 6 units. This means suddenly the discount for 5 units is being applied, while my clients wants the discount for 3 units has to be applied twice.

The idea is that every time something happens with the car which is from origine an update issue (so adding more quantities to a product) will be viewed as placing a new product in the car, creating the right discount.

So far determined
In the admin panel, i couldnt find an option to turn of updating status (would technically be inlogical), so I went into the code, via the product.tpl to card.php in the card module, to check if there is anything that points to this updating proces. So far no luck. Anybody else can give me a pointer (or maybe an other idea) how to achieve this?


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