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featured product listing on home page

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How would you enlarge the rows to hold 5 images to a row instead of 4 in the featured products section on the home page?

The setting in the admin only allows an overall number of products in that block but not how many per row.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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The number per line for the layout calculations (nbItemsPerLine) is set in homefeatured.tpl (in modules/homefeatured) however it's unlikely that changing that value alone will work. I suspect that you'll have some serious work to do with the css too.

At the very least you'll have to play with the width/height properties in :

#center_column .products_block ul li


#center_column div.products_block a.product_image

Among (possibly) several others!


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In the admin the "Featured Products on the homepage v0.8" in the modules section only lets you change how many products are shown. It does not allow you to put how many columns you can have.

I did change the css quite a bit today trying to get 5 in a row or 5 columns and even though there was plenty of space it put the additional products below on a second row with still 4 columns.

I will look at the code you stated.

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