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Change all image caption


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before version of prestashop you cannot edit image caption. With later version can edit, but its very complicated. This solution work with all version 1.6.x  Solution from http://pelechano.es/modificar-titulos-en-imagenes-prestashop-1-6/


adminbackoffice\themes\default\template\controllers\products\images.tpl find <td>legend</td> and change to 

	<td style="width: 100%;">
<div class="col-lg-12">
			{foreach from=$languages item=language}
				{if $languages|count > 1}
				<div class="translatable-field row lang-{$language.id_lang}">
					<div class="col-lg-10">
						<input type="text"
						{if isset($input_class)}class="{$input_class}"{/if}
						disabled="disabled"    {*egp mod creamos este campo plantilla deshabilitado para que luego no se envie. Al copiar ya se habilitara*}
				{if $languages|count > 1}
					<div class="col-lg-2">
						<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" tabindex="-1">
							<span class="caret"></span>
						<ul class="dropdown-menu">
							{foreach from=$languages item=language}
								<a href="javascript:hideOtherLanguage({$language.id_lang});">{$language.name}</a>


function imageLine(id, path, position, cover, shops, legend)
            line = $("#lineType").html();
            line = line.replace(/image_id/g, id);
            line = line.replace(/(\/)?[a-z]{0,2}-default/g, function($0, $1){
                return $1 ? $1 + path : $0;
            line = line.replace(/image_path/g, path);
            line = line.replace(/image_position/g, position);
            line = line.replace(/legend/g, legend);
            line = line.replace(/icon-check-empty/g, cover);
            line = line.replace(/<tbody>/gi, "");
            line = line.replace(/<\/tbody>/gi, "");
            if (shops != false)
                $.each(shops, function(key, value){
                    if (value == 1)
                        line = line.replace('id="' + key + '' + id + '"','id="' + key + '' + id + '" checked=checked');

replace to 

function imageLine(id, path, position, cover, shops, legendJsonArray,cargaInicial)
			line = $("#lineType").html();
			line = line.replace(/image_id/g, id);
			line = line.replace(/(\/)?[a-z]{0,2}-default/g, function($0, $1){
				return $1 ? $1 + path : $0;
			line = line.replace(/image_path/g, path);
			line = line.replace(/\.jpg"\s/g, '.jpg?time=' + new Date().getTime() + '" ');
			line = line.replace(/image_position/g, position);
			//line = line.replace(/legend/g, legend); egp mod legendas editables..Ahora nos llega un array en json
			if (typeof cargaInicial != 'undefined'){	//se construye la tabla dinámicamente al cargar la página. Ahora nos llega el array entero
				legendJsonArray = $.parseJSON(legendJsonArray);
			}else{//venimos de subir una imagen (ajax.tpl del uploader)
				$.each(legendInput, function(i, input) {
					legendJsonArray[lang_id_arr[1]]=input['value'];//cogemos los valores del input titulo
			$.each(legendJsonArray, function(i, item) {
				line = line.replace(search, replace);
				line = line.replace(/idprodimg/g, id);
				line = line.replace('disabled="disabled"', '');	//lo habilitamos.			
			line = line.replace(/icon-check-empty/g, cover);
			line = line.replace(/<tbody>/gi, "");
			line = line.replace(/<\/tbody>/gi, "");
			if (shops != false)
				$.each(shops, function(key, value){
					if (value == 1)
						line = line.replace('id="' + key + '' + id + '"','id="' + key + '' + id + '" checked=checked');

find imageLine({$image->id}, "{$image->getExistingImgPath()}", {$image->position}, "{if $image->cover}icon-check-sign{else}icon-check-empty{/if}", assoc, "{$image->legend[$default_language]|@addcslashes:'\"'}");

and change to 

imageLine({$image->id}, "{$image->getExistingImgPath()}", {$image->position}, "{if $image->cover}icon-check-sign{else}icon-check-empty{/if}", assoc, "{$image->legend|@json_encode|@addcslashes:'\"'}", true);

create file override\controllers\admin\AdminProductsController.php with 


class AdminProductsController extends AdminProductsControllerCore 
	/*egp mod sobrescrito para poder modificar los títulos de las imágenes*/
	public function processUpdate()
		if (empty($this->errors)){
				foreach ($prod_img_arr as $id_image=>$prod_img){
					foreach ($prod_img as $id_lang=>$value_legend){
							UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang`
							SET `legend` ="'.$value_legend.'"
							WHERE `id_image` = '.(int)$id_image.' AND `id_lang`='.(int)$id_lang);
		return $product;

enable overrides Perfomance/Enable ovverides

delete cache\class_index.php


Edited by www.bio-krby-kamna.cz (see edit history)
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