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[SOLVED]: Make order in orders list inherit status color?

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The default view in orders list in 1.6 is very... blending in. I would like to alter the admin theme in a way that instead of order status color would show on the whole line instead of just in status row. Is there a way to do this?

I've tried looking for color variables in these files but no luck:



Edited by sting5 (see edit history)
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Seems I've found the file that is responsible for alterations of the listing orders - list_content.tpl.

I've found that {main_dir}\themes\default\template\helpers\list\list_content.tpl is the full path to the file. And I've changed this part of the code:

{foreach $list AS $index => $tr}
    <tr{if $position_identifier} id="tr_{$position_group_identifier}_{$tr.$identifier}_{if isset($tr.position['position'])}{$tr.position['position']}{else}0{/if}"{/if} class="{if isset($tr.class)}{$tr.class}{/if} {if $tr@iteration is odd by 1}odd{/if}"{if isset($tr.color) && $color_on_bg} style="background-color: {$tr.color}"{/if} >

To this code line:

{foreach $list AS $index => $tr}
    <tr{if $position_identifier} id="tr_{$position_group_identifier}_{$tr.$identifier}_{if isset($tr.position['position'])}{$tr.position['position']}{else}0{/if}"{/if} class="{if isset($tr.class)}{$tr.class}{/if} {if $tr@iteration is odd by 1}odd{/if}"{if isset($params.color) && isset($tr[$params.color])} style="background-color:{$tr[$params.color]};color:{if Tools::getBrightness($tr[$params.color]) < 128}white{else}#383838{/if}"{/if}

But the output of the change in this file gives empty "background-color:" property, seems that the coding does not know what $tr[$params.color] is and does not take the status color parameter, but it's strange because the code is used few rows after to color the status cell.

I would really appreciate the help, because this would greatly help my employees not to mix up or miss orders.

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Ok, so the fix is easy (that I've found in other thread) - all You need to do is go and edit this fie:
 find this line:

    /** @var bool */
    protected $colorOnBackground;

and add the "true" value to it:

    /** @var bool */
    protected $colorOnBackground = true;

Those editing 1.6 Prestashop versions, for the changes to take effect, You need to find this file:
and comment out these lines (kill preset background-color parameters):

.bootstrap .table tbody>tr>td{border-top:none;color:#666;/*background-color:#fff;*/padding:3px 7px;vertical-align:middle;word-wrap:nowrap;font-size:12px;border-bottom:solid 1px #EAEDEF}/*.bootstrap .table tbody>tr.odd>td{background-color:#FCFDFE}*/
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