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[SOLVED] Error at top of the Product Pages


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Hello friends,


I've 3 different languages at my shop. When i open any of my product with English or Polish, Product's short description is shown at the top of the page. But it doesn't occur at Turkish language. You can check the screenshot. post-1143790-0-56073900-1475090537_thumb.jpg


How can I solve that problem?


Any help will be really appreciated :)



Edited by servetsarap (see edit history)
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It's normal with Turkish Language but the problem only exist at Polish and English Languages

From your screenshot it is clear there is structure error in your HTML, one or more paired tag has no matching close tag that is why  it happens. Can you share link of your site?



It's normal with Turkish Language but the problem only exist at Polish and English Languages

Edited by servetsarap (see edit history)
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