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Understanding advanced stock management and packs of products


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(sorry for my bad english)


Let's see if someone can help me, I do not understand why what I'm doing don't work.


I have a base product created in PS (productX), which is the basis for two other products (product1, product2) created in PS and are packs of products on which the productX is used.


Both products uses advanced stock management and the option to decrease both stock is enabled on every product.


Well, I add 10 units of the base product productX. At this time, in the quantity tab of product1 and product2, shows that the maximum quantity for the package is 10. Great. I add 10 units of stock to product1 and product2. That is, I have 10 units of the base product that can be sold in the pack of product1 or product2.


Now, somebody buy a unit of the product1. This makes the available stock of base productX to 9 units and available stock for product1 to 9 units. BUT, there are 10 units available for product2.


To my mind this should not be. For product2, the available stock depends on stock for productX, and it should have also decreased the stock in 1 piece since I only have 9 units of the base product and therefore I can only sell 9 units product2.


Or I'm doing something wrong, or I don't understand how advanced stock management works.


Any ideas ???


Thank you!

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Yes, and it's decreased. What is not decreased is the stock of other products (product2 in example) that use the same products in pack that product1.


If productX is used in the packs of product1 and product2, if I sell product1, product2 stock must be decreased too. But only stock of productX and product1 are decreased.


I'm using version

Edited by juanjico (see edit history)
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