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Submenu redirects to top level menu with same name


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Hello to you all,

My category tree goes like this:


















So there is a category Shoes under Sports,and a category Shoes on the top level (for shoes regardless if they are sports shoes or not).


My problem is that on click at the menu Sports>Shoes the site redirects to the Shoes menu at the top level.It even enables the menu Shoes as if it had been clicked.


Is it a bug?Am i measing something?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Edited by vostrixos (see edit history)
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Thanks for your fast reply Enrique,


No am not using any.

But that's exactly what seem to be the problem.The id of the category i should be redirected at,is different.It is that of the top menu category.

Even stranger is that in a third instance that subcategory with name Shoes is beeing used the redirection works fine.


Also i have regenerated the category tree in case there were empty records of categories in the database and that did nothing.

(I did that by adding the folowing line:Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); in an active module)


*I know the category tree is a mess but it was not my choice...



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Hello again,

1) I made some changes to route to category.

  a) I removed the {id} --> Not accepted

  B) I removed the {rewrite} --> nothing changed.


2) I disabled friendly URL.

What i get after Home->Sports->Shoes (id=126) is:


but i am actually redirected at Home->Shoes (id=154)


3) Also strange is that when i independently go to Home-> Shoes i am still getting

http://www.s-megastore.gr/index.php?id_category=126&controller=category in the URL bar.

That should be



*I tried to attach printscreens but it doesn't seems to work for me.

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