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How to generate a product key for my program when it it bought


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Hello, I am using Prestashop for my game company and the way I verify people bought my game is by a mySQL of all the product keys which they need to put in the installation. Here is the format in the database: client_id | user_name | company | email | serial_no | license_no | validations_no

and I want to make it so when people buy the game all of the things (except company if they didn't fill it in in the checkout page) will be in a new row in this table. Also client_id is the number of the buyer, for example, the first person to buy the game has a client id that is 1, the next person 2, the next 3, etc. Also, the format of the product key which I want to be randomly generated is ?????-?????-?????-?????-????? 

? is a random letter or number. I want the product key to be emailed to user, and be on the order page.Any help would be appreciated, thank you

Edited by MasterGameZ (see edit history)
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You could create a simple function like this

public function generateLicense($uppercase = true)
	$date = uniqid();
	$hash = Tools::encrypt($date);
	$hash = substr($hash, 0, 25);
	$array = str_split($hash, 5);
	$license = implode('-', $array);

	return $uppercase ? strtoupper($license) : $license;

Then call it with result in uppercase


Or call it with result in lowercase:

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Does this do everything here:

Put the product key on the order page/information

Email the customer the product key

Not allow 2 product keys to be the same

Adds a new row in the table i made thats called "clients2" which is the one that has the format client_id | user_name | company | email | serial_no | license_no | validations_no

Also i never mentioned license_no is the amount of copies the buyer bought and validations_no should just be set to 0 since its handeled in installation.

And if it does do all this, where do i put this code?

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Does this do everything here:

Put the product key on the order page/information

Email the customer the product key

Not allow 2 product keys to be the same

Adds a new row in the table i made thats called "clients2" which is the one that has the format client_id | user_name | company | email | serial_no | license_no | validations_no

Also i never mentioned license_no is the amount of copies the buyer bought and validations_no should just be set to 0 since its handeled in installation.

And if it does do all this, where do i put this code?

Of course this doesn't do all that, this is only an idea how you can generate the codes, to achieve all, you will need to search a module, or maybe you need search for a freelancer/agency to develop a module.

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