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[SOLVED] thickbox with right size of original product photo

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I have a question:
the background of the miniatures, the various images that large, small etc.. (done in automatic by prestashop) have as the background color white is another color can change it and how?

I do it with this way: creating a square background, color the background and then paste the picture, but then all the photos including the one my size would square with a colored background and the magnification of the image (Thickbox) I could not do the trick (exchange Thickbox with that which I have done my upload).

What I would load the image in the process of adding product with a size varying from product to product, at this stage, once learned how to change the background color to the thumbnail example. white to pink, will create thumbnails of a square, as usual, with pink background and then viewed in the FO section product when I press on the picture, it obviously opens up the original picture without any background color and size as those of photos.

Everything lies in that GetImageLink that eg. inserting a null value (in product.tpl), I return the URL of my image that I uploaded, making the replacement of the photos (between original to thickbox), Thickbox works perfectly with original photos, but to have it done automatically to any picture you need to edit Link.php

Values that can take the variable $type as well as small, large etc..?

Can someone help me change the fuction GetImageLink in classes/Link.php and edit product.tpl around 117 row?


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I have found a solution to change color of the miniatures background :
in image.inc.php
there is a variable $white which assigns colors in decimal code, those changes and regenerate the images take the color you want.

the other problem remains

If you have some time can you look at my topics?




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