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how can i change the placing off header items

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Your css probably clears the float property after "bookmark" causing the browser to interpret everything else that follows as "in a new block".

If you are using firebug right click on bookmarks and sift through the styles related to it.
Try disabling any claer attribute.

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Ok, first of all make sure every module you want to display in the header is properly transplanted into that area (back office/modules/position) and set in the correct order.

In your theme's global.css find #header_links and make sure they are floating:left WITHOUT anything cleared! Whatever comes after it needs to be floating:left, too. That is assuming you are not closing the #header id in between.

If this is the case, go ahead and find the #header id. Make sure it does not clear:left or both. Set it to float:left and cut its width down to a size that leaves enough room for the following object to actually float next to it. You will also need to set the following objects size to a size small enough to float in the remaining gap.

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