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Estimate The Cost Of Shippng & Taxes Doesn't Work.

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It appears there is serious glitch in the "Estimate the Cost of Shipping and Tax" in the 1 Step of 5-step Order Checkout of the latest version of PS

I tried all possible setting for Taxes, Tax Rules, Carriers, Products, etc.

It is impossible to make it do a proper calculation of "Subtotal" and "Tax" for different Carriers and different states (provinces).

After selecting the alternative Carrier from the Carrier List and pressing the "Update Cart" button, the values of "Subtotal" and the "Tax" don't change.

They stay the same despite the value of "Total shipping" is updated.

The cart always takes the lowest (default) shipping rate from the Carrier List.

It also ignores the changing State (Province) Tax in favor of the general country tax rate.

It is simply unfair to show this mess to potential customers and call it "Estimate the Cost of Shipping and Tax"


Did anyone manage to find a solution of this problem?


To illustrate this issue please see two slides below.


So frustrating....


Any help would be greatly appreciated !



Edited by akps1234 (see edit history)
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