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Storing The Result Of Getnewproducts Until Products Are Added Or Removed

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I have a NewProducts module that I am modifying a bit and I noticed that the this operation is a bit slow:


$products = Product::getNewProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id);


So I thought maybe I could just store the result of $products so this query does not have to run for every page load. Then if I could use the actionProductAdd and actionProductDelete to update $products only when needed and Product::getNewProducts would almost never have to run.


However this did not work anyway like I thought. Since my module class is instantiated for each page load I can not store anything there. Then I thought about having some flag in "Configuration" but I am not sure if that is a good approach.


Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea? Should I even try solving it like this or just rely on whatever caching mechanism is available? Given how rarely we add new products it just seemed a waste to execute this query for each load of the index page.


On the other hand, I do not want it to be completely static so I do a shuffle to move the content around a bit like this:

$products = Product::getNewProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id);
so the page does not look the same if the visitor returns and I would like to keep doing that but it would be nice if I did not have to ask for $products from the db always but only occasionally or when new products are added.
All suggestions on the proper solution to handle this are warmly welcome


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