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Admin>Prefs>Upload Quota


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Hello, I recently set my shop up and even found an ftp workaround for the issue I'll be describing because even if I can get my upload quota adjusted to higher than 8mb, I am still limited to 64mb by my host. But like I said I found an ftp workaround for my virtual products so I can upload one of any size.


I digress still because that is not the issue I'd like to address.


In Administration > Preferences there is the Upload Quota area. I seem to be forever limited to 8mb even after adjusting the appropriate fields in my php.ini file. I have the phpinfo.php file to confirm that 64mb is my new max file size. Why doesn't my PrestaShop recognize these changes?


I even found mention on the web of adjusting /<shop root>/controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php 

but to no avail.


Any idea why this is persisting? At this point it has become something that is just bugging me. 



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post_max_size and upload_max_filesize need to be set. Your webserver software such as Apache and nginx can limit the file size, too.


Yes, thank you but I did set these correctly in the php.ini files. Even in the Uploader.php file located at /classes/


Where else can I check? You said Apache and nginx, where are these located?

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Thanks again, but the nginx route doesn't work for me, my virtual server doesn't even have that directory path mentioned in the guide.


As for the LimitRequestBody idea, that doesn't work either. I don't have root access btw, so I created an httpd.conf file using the example code (but changing it to /public_html/shop) and I placed it in that same dir on my server. But it showed no change in PrestaShop admin.


Also, just to mention that my server is running Apache:CGI, so I can't add post_max_size type commands to my .htaccess file or else it will prevent my PrestaShop from loading entirely (I tried this and had to remove those lines from my .htaccess). So in my case I had to work with a php.ini file, which I did, which I mentioned in my previous posts.


Do you have any other suggestions?

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Btw, as a side note:

PrestaShop reads the variables upload_max_filesize and post_max_size and takes the minimum to determine the limit. So PHP in general has been configured with a low limt.

See: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/controllers/admin/AdminAdminPreferencesController.php#L41


I don't understand what this line

$max_upload = (int)ini_get('upload_max_filesize');


is supposed to tell me?


btw, for some reason my wordpress recognizes the 64mb increase. it's just PrestaShop that refuses to.

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Where would that be though? I looked at the file you linked as an example and this was not the case there. I wouldn't know where else to look to see if '8M' has been placed there.


I am inquiring once more with my host as well, mentioning how Wordpress recognizes 64M but not PrestaShop.

Edited by AgostinoS (see edit history)
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Do you have some sort of "search everywhere" program? That would probably save you a lot of time.


I use PhpStorm myself with a local copy of the store and immediately deploy (via FTP) to my test environment. With CTRL + SHIFT + F I can easily search everywhere.


It couldn't find either of those strings anywhere. I am waiting on word from my host about their efforts.

I was impressed with PhpStorm by the way. It is a very power hungry app though on my MacBook Air :D

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Hopefully your web host can find what's wrong.


Good news! Finally resolved! For some reason, they created a new php.ini file and that did it. I have been trying to ask them why their php.ini file worked, while mine (identical in every way that I could see) did not. I am still trying to get an answer out of them. They keep repeating "we had to create a php.ini file", literally, it's the fourth time they reply with that same answer, and it's now the 5th time I ask them Yes, but WHY!?! haha

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Ok well, it was created through cPanel's file manager. I guess the way I did it (TextEdit) created some kind of problem. Next time, i'll go the safe route and do that.


One last question, maybe you can enlighten me. Why does php.ini have to be placed in /, /public_html/, /public_html/shop/? Does it need to be placed in multiple places at all?

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