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Importing Stores Addresses


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is it possible to export stores from one shop and import on another?

I have long list of stores on my prestashop and i need to move it to another shop.

I can export it by SQL manager, but i cant find import option for Stores

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It is not a simple task to export then import the data to another store. There are fields that are "export only". Also PS has chronic problems with large imports timing out during import which forces user to divide the file into small segments importing each individually. A time consuming and error prone process to say the least.

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You can export and import using PHPMyAdmin if you are familiar with this. The tables you want to export are:


- ps_store

- ps_store_shop


If the new shop database is empty, then import the files you exported from the old database. Very simple.


If the new shop database ps_store and ps_store_shop tables are not empty and you want to keep what is already in there, then you may want to create a small program in php for example to import the data in. I've done this several times when we migrated our sites and we have almost 1000 records to export/import.


One way or another it's not that complicated.


My tuppence worth.



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