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shipping volume, weight, free and city

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Hello !
I'm starting in web development and online stores, I am using Version prestashop - 0.032s for development. Already in the testing stage hosting configured to initially sell Colombia configured as follows: zones (local, nearby, regional, national and redirected), countries (here are the cities). I have trouble with the following:

Shipping is required that take into account these parameters: City (and I have linked to an zone), weight (kg), volume (MT3), free shipping for certain areas and the other a discount rate. For example:

"The shipment to the local area weighing less than 1Kg, volume lesser of (x 0.5mt x0.2mt 0.25mt (025 MT3)) and total cost to $ 39,900 have a shipping cost of $ 2,400
"The shipment to the local area with a weight of 1.5Kg with a volume of (0.22mt x 0.5mt x 0.45mt (0.0495mt3)) and a total cost of 1500000 has free shipping cost, but if sent to Zone regional shipping cost will be 5000 (50% of the total cost of shipping)

1. Within the parameters of prestashop not have a volume of calculation ie each item has a high, deep and wide. As might be done? What modifications I can do? As I can do to join when adding items to a total volume to calculate shipping for customers. "

2. The free shipping generally takes it. As discriminate the free shipping or percentage areas?

3. As I can not know that area are buying and force me initially to the buyer to register before ordering (hopefully not as if there is something better) I set the information of the car (the light of the request) to report shipping cost to the buyer according to the parameters satisfying? or how do I delete the information in the view of the car?

I am currently reading the manuals, but I really am very new to some web development issues.
I appreciate your valuable support for these problems arise.

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